
10 Reasons Why Minimalism Can Be Useful To College Students

College students tend to move often. Moving apartment to apartment or dorm to dorm every year is very tiring. Packing is such a pain in the ass as well, but something called minimalism can come in handy for college students. The minimalism lifestyle has been trending. Cosmopolitan and other magazines often share videos about it. Minimalism is simply having less possessions. It can be difficult because people tend to buy things, but it could also really be a useful tactic for us college students! Below are 10 reasons why minimalism can actually be useful for people like us!

1. Easy Move, Less Packing

This one is self explanatory. Packing and moving is physically demanding, especially when you don’t have a car. Minimalism can help you reduce your pain.

2. Clear Mind, Better Result

When your desk is messy with a lot of stuff, it can get in the way. You can be distracted. You might not be able to focus. Eliminate stuff you don’t need from your desk. You’ll be able to focus better.

3. Clean Fridge, Healthy Eating

Some people tend to buy a lot of food even though they don’t need that much. It could be because the supermarket is having some sort of sale on certain products or because that’s how they shop. A lot of food goes to waste for these people. Watch how much food you’re buying, you could save a lot of money just by not overbuying food.

4. Better Sleeping Schedule, Easier Mornings

It’s easy to get distracted by things in and around your room before you go to bed, such as a nintendo DS you haven’t played in years or that old bag from middle school you can’t find now. Throw away all that stuff you don’t need. You don’t need those kinds of distractions when you have an 8 AM morning class the next day.

5. Simple Workout, Healthy Body

You don’t need to buy dumbbells in all sizes and shapes. You only need what you will use. Some people feel very motivated and buy all the working out equipment. In reality, you won’t use everything. You have to stay realistic. You only need what you will use regularly. So pick and choose!

6. Less Spending, Happy Bank Account

We tend to waste a lot of money on things we don’t necessarily need. Your minimalistic mindset will help you budget. It will definitely save you from financial troubles.

7. Sharing is caring, Happy Community

To live a minimalistic life, you need to clean out your house. Once you decide on what you want to get rid of, you should pause and think. You shouldn’t just stuff everything into a trashcan. You should consider donating and giving back to the community.

8. Sell and Make Your Bank Account Happy

If you don’t want to donate because it was something expensive, selling it is another option. You can get rid of items you don’t need as well as make your bank account happy.

See Also

9. Plan Ahead

You don’t have to make a chart or anything, but you should at least think about what you have to buy that week or month. You should make sure you don’t overbuy anything.

10. Remind Yourself

You should always remind yourself to minimize especially when you’re new to this kind of lifestyle.

Adopting a new lifestyle is never easy. If you utilize minimalism well, you can definitely make your life fuller with less things.

Are you a fan of minimalism? Did it help you in college? Let us know down below!
Featured image source:
Jenna Song

"Jenna is a sophomore at Temple University. She is studying journalism. She loves to write. She also travels often."

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