It’s that time again, the best day of the week, brunch day! Only this time you’ve decided to host it at your house. What are you and your girls going to drink? Have no fear, here are 10 mimosa recipes that you’ll absolutely love.
This mimosa recipe is the perfect blend of sweet and tart but way better than the candy. With just 3 ingredients, this is probably the easiest drink to make in the world. All you have to do is mix cranberry juice, orange juice, and your choice of champagne or prosecco.
Now according to TheSpruceEats, “This delightfully easy cocktail is one that can add flair to any party, big or small.” I sure hope so because I’m thinking about inviting a few more people to my next brunch and this has to last all night. But if for some reason my brunch is canceled, I’ve got a pitcher of pomegranate mimosa all to myself!
Rosemary isn’t something you hear too often when you think of mimosa recipes. Somehow, someone mixed it with grapefruit and out came this refreshing drink to have with your girls at brunch!
I know pomegranate pops up quite a bit in this article but what can I say, it’s the best ingredient for mimosas. Or maybe I’m just biased.
Tequila is a word most people shudder at when they hear it. Don’t worry, with this recipe you won’t wake up with a splitting heading and a reminder that you’re not as young as you used to be.
Hey, I know it’s spring but who doesn’t carry the Christmas spirit with them all year round. If you don’t this drink will have you singing deck the halls in no time! According to TheSpruceEats, “All the best flavors of the holidays come together in the Christmas Mimosa. The real magic happens when you allow a sprig of pine to infuse its flavor into the drink.”
Anything with caramel always sounds good to me! Also, apples are my favorite fruit so combining them with caramel? I feel like if I drank these I would die of happiness and just look at this picture, they look absolutely delicious.
Nostalgic for fall? Yeah, we all are, but this recipe for cinnamon pear mimosas will have you wanting to break out your sweater and order a pumpkin spice latte. I have to admit, I wanted to put on my scarf and jump into a pile of leaves after reading this recipe.
If you’re on a diet or just watching your figure, this recipe is for you. Alcohol is full of empty calories but each class is only 100 calories! Not only that, it has orange-flavored kombucha and pomegranate seeds. So, you get your dose of fruit and a nice buzz at the same time.
Forget your root beer and vanilla ice cream, this is a recipe made for adults. Citrus sorbet and sparkling wine make for an amazing pairing with this recipe. These mimosas will be a hit, especially when it’s hot outside.
It’s a cocktail and dessert all in one! this recipe has everything a girl could want, vodka, whipped cream, strawberries, strawberry ice cream, prosecco, and Nilla wafers! Forget brunch, I’ll be sure to treat myself to this when I’ve got the house to myself!
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