Millennials And Dating: Stop Trying To Be A Savage

Savage; a term currently being extremely overused and abused by today’s millennials. When it comes to millennials and dating, everybody wants to be a “savage” these days and screams it from the top of their lungs. The term is worn on t-shirts, hats and embedded and/or hash tagged in just about everyone’s Instagram posts.
Being a savage has become in a way, a term of endearment that people aspire to be.
For example, women are now using savage as some sort of twisted vow to themselves to avoid getting their hearts broken yet again by a trifling man. While men, are using the term as they always have, which is showcasing how vile and trifling they can truly be.
With everyone proclaiming to be a savage, dating has become extremely hard. It’s as if being openly in-love and showing affection to someone is a sign of complete weakness.
A person will get more love on a post where they are talking about why being a savage is “dope asf” than a person who is discussing why being in-love is “dope asf” (which if you didn’t know, being in-love truly is dope asf).
I have personally been actively dating in this “savage era”, and let me tell you, I am so beyond the fuck over it! I have dealt with men who have literally told me that being “too emotional” is lame and how nobody wants to date someone that is sensitive and in-tune with their feelings (insert raised eyebrow emoji). Baffled, is the word I would use to best describe my reaction to those statements, but I wasn’t shocked because that’s how this “savage era” is.
I’m sure you too have dated or are even currently dating someone who is all about being a savage.
It’s impossible to get to know someone who reps the savage life because they are using the term to mask their true self. Now, some would say that their past love experiences made them a savage, but I would say that’s just an excuse to protect themselves from pain.
Listen people, particularly my self-proclaimed savages, there is NOTHING WRONG with showing emotion, compassion, being sensitive nor in touch with one’s feelings. Those are actually great traits that should be admired because they show that you are HUMAN!
To be blunt, let’s dead this overly played out savage bullshit! Nine times out of ten, you are only claiming to be a savage to avoid getting hurt. FYI, getting hurt is inevitable in life. It’s O.K. to be a savage in accomplishing your goals and dreams. It’s not O.K. to be savage in order to make it seem like you don’t need love in your life.
So cut the shit!
What is your input on millennials and dating? Share your thoughts below!

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".