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20 Millennial Phrases That Desperately Need To Kick The Bucket

20 Millennial Phrases That Desperately Need To Kick The Bucket

You have probably become quite familiar with the constant millennial phrases and lingo these days. Which are your least favorite ones?

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you: the things that millennials say today are downright annoying. Not just because there may or may not be any brainpower behind them, but because they sound absolutely ridiculous. (If you haven’t guessed by now, this article is not going to be a glorious exaltation of our vocal clutter.) I understand that every generation has its own things that it says, but I think it’s safe to say we’ve gone too far. Before we start, I want to be clear that I am only bashing words and not the actual millennials themselves. Here are twenty millennial phrases that I believe desperately need to kick the bucket.

1. Cray cray

The first thing that comes to mind is that this sounds like a nickname for a crayfish. Really. Crazy is a perfectly acceptable word in the English language. Use it.

2. Totes magotes

It took me years to actually figure out what this meant. (As in, right now as I’m writing this article, because I’ve done my best up until now to ignore it.) For the longest time, all I thought about were toting goats when I heard this (even though that makes no sene, either). Yes, I grew up surrounded by farms. No, I will never use this term.


3. Yaaaas

The word is ‘yes’. This just makes you sound like you left your mouth hanging open too long to effectively perform a single syllable.

4. Just for funzies

If I live to see only one millennial phrase kick the bucket, I hope this is it. Funzies. Funzies? Really? Oh, the horror.

5. Totally lit

I fail to see the correlation between brightening a room and having a high-energy attack.


6. Salty

Salt is what you put on your food to flavor it. In other words, make it taste better. If you’re salty because you’re in a bad mood, isn’t that a little counter-intuitive?

7. Roast

Remember when roast was used to describe a banquet that people set up to honor someone else? When did it turn into artistically insulting someone? (Roast is also a wonderful dinner.)

8. Extra

This is not so much the word as the way it’s said. You know what I mean. When some someone whines in some nasally voice, “It’s soooo extra!”


9. Bae

As if “baby” as a term of affection wasn’t enough for me to take. You are speaking about a grown adult. It took them years of self-discovery and struggle to become the person they are now. I think some respect is in order instead of a term that depicts them as am infantile dependent.

10. Clap back

Does anyone actually understand this one? I still can’t and I’ve been looking at definitions for a few minutes now.

11. I can’t even

You can’t even….what? Congratulations, you’ve just created a cliffhanger. A few of us would like to know what you can’t even do. Just some clarification. Not asking too much here. Finish your sentence or throw this millennial phrase out.


12. Bye Felicia

Who is this Felicia that you speak of? This is one of the most common millennial phrases.

13. On fleck/ fleek

Can we please just say smooth, nice, or neat? Those adjectives really do work, too.

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14. Adorbs

Cringe. This is one of the most common millennial phrases.

15. Jelly

My skin absolutely crawls when I think this millennial word that desperately needs to disappear. The first time I ever heard this was when I went on a rampage about my two freshmen roommates picking up boyfriends their first semester. Their cousin overheard us and quipped, “Oo, I think she’s jelly!” Let us be clear. I put jelly on my sandwiches. I have a soft spot in my heart for jelly (especially when it goes with peanut butter). It is a food. Not an adjective. I am not a food. The end.

16. Peeps

These are marshmallows. Not people. (And the marshmallows aren’t really that good, anyway. Fun if you stick them in the microwave, though.)


17. You got owned

No, as a matter of fact, you didn’t and you aren’t.

18. Chillax

“Chill” and “relax” are two separate words. Really. They are. This is one of the most common millennial phrases.

19. True dat

Definitely not a horrendous one, but what’s up with that “dat” thing? This is one of the most common millennial phrases.


20. Gotta bounce

The mental image I get in my head when I hear this is more than enough. Now I want to be perfectly clear that my way of speaking is not the end all be all. No one’s way is. But if you look at this list and see how the words may possibly be stereotyping you in a bad way, I think it’s time that you consider going back to a good old-fashioned dictionary and trying some tried-and-true words on for size. That’s my two cents. Take it or leave it.

Which of these millennial phrases are you sick of hearing? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit