Messy Hair Do Care

Let’s face it… Looking glamorous and put together in an 8am lecture after a long night out is not exactly easy to do. Not to fear though kiddies, we are here to give you a few tricks to fool anyone into thinking that you got your mandated 8 hours of beauty rest.
1. No time for shower?
Dry shampoo’s have come a long way since they first appeared on the market years ago. Washing your hair everyday is actually not good for your hair as it can dry out essential oils that your hair creates that keep it moist. If you’re in a rush to class and don’t have time to hop in the shower, a dry shampoo is the perfect answer to a busy day. You don’t have dry shampoo? A little bit of baby powder sprinkled in your hand can cut down the grease and shine and freshen up your not so fresh locks.
2. Wet hair don’t care
Seasalt spray will become your new best friend. I found this godsend hair product at the beginning of the summer and have gone through 3 bottles so far (granted I have fairly long hair). All you need to do is spray in a healthy amount , depending on how much hair you have, when you get out of the shower to towel dried hair and VOILA! Perfect day-at-the-beach waved hair. You will get a million complements on your glorious do and with very little effort and the stuff actually makes your hair feel good, not stiff and gross like a lot of other products out there. Infused with dead sea salt and sea kelp, when you go to dry your hair next, you will notice a difference.
3. Easy Do’s
The sock bun, is all the rage here at the [SR] office. Easy and quick to do when you’re in a pinch for time, the sock bun is a classy look in under 2 minutes. Check out this YouTube how to video, although I’d suggest using a nice guy’s dress sock vs the tattered gym sock she uses, but to each their own!
Just because you don’t have much time, doesn’t mean everyone has to know it. You won’t only impress that guy or girl you’ve been swooning over but it also looks good for your professors at the same time. TWO BIRDS ONE STONE DONE!