5 Men’s Accessories Every Guy Actually Needs

When it comes to accessories, it’s important that you always have the essentials. Certain accessories can help make or break your wardrobe. Whether you’re getting dressed up or are looking for ways to upgrade your casual style, here are the top 5 men’s accessories every guy should have!
1. Watch
Whether you need it to actually tell the time, or you’re just wearing it to compliment your outfit, it’s a must. You can go from a boring outfit to very stylish simply by throwing on a watch!
2. Sunglasses
Everyone needs a solid pair of sunglasses. Make sure that whatever shape and shade you pick, it goes with your face structure and overall look.
3. Hat
A hat can solve a lot of problems. Maybe you’re having a terrible hair day or it’s below freezing outside; a hat will save the day. From snap-backs to beanies, you can never go wrong with this accessory!
4. A Nice Tie
A nice tie is a must to keep in your closet. There is always the chance that a big interview will come up or an event will take place and you want to look your best! You don’t need an entire stash of ties, but having the basics is important!
5. Wallet
Last, but definitely not least, is a wallet. If there is one accessory you NEED to have, it’s a wallet. Your money and ID falling out of your pockets is not a good look. Keep organized and show that you’re a grown man (or at least pretend to be).
Having all of these accessories will guarantee that you’re never caught in an “omg I look a mess” or “I look like a bum” moments ever again.
Are there any other essential men’s accessories that should be on the list!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit
Emerson College Grad with a B.S. in Multimedia Journalism. I have a slight pizza addiction, I'm obsessed with shoes, and enjoy long walks on the beach. Mama to the cutest boy on earth.