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10 Memories Of Growing Up In Weston, CT

10 Memories Of Growing Up In Weston, CT

Everyone has memories of growing up in their hometown. It's always nice to reminisce. Here are 10 of my memories of growing up in Weston, CT.

Everyone has memories of growing up in their hometown. It’s always nice to reminisce. Here are 10 of my memories of growing up in Weston, CT.

1. Peters Market

The only grocery store in Weston, CT. Amazing sandwiches such as Dirty Bird, Batman and Robin and many more. Also, with some amazing homemade baked goods.

2. Lunch Box

The only restaurant in Weston, CT. Serving amazing foods and drinks. You can go with your friends after school and enjoy a wide variety of your favorite foods.


3. Memorial Day Parade

An annual parade that brings the community together to celebrate memorial day.

4. Elementary School Book Fair

The best time was the scholastic book fair in elementary school which gave kids an opportunity to buy amazing books and fun accessories for a reasonable price.

5. Junior/Senior PowderPuff

Powder Puff happens during October for Juniors and Seniors to face each other in a friendly game of flag football. All the girls are able to purchase jerseys with their grad year and a fun creative name on the back.


6. Jr/Sr Prom

A great reason to dress up in a gown and have fun with your friends and dance the night away.

7. 4th of July

Friends and Families join together on the middle school baseball field to celebrate the 4th as a community and enjoy some amazing fireworks and music.

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8. Fire Department Haunted House

Every year the Weston, CT firehouse sets up a fun haunted house for the community to enjoy with thrills and scares at every corner.

9. Friendships that last forever

Having only one school system you are with the same people since kindergarten, therefore, you have never-ending friendships.

10. Graduation

graduating high school under a large white tent on the football field is one of the best times. It is a great way to finish off your primary education and be able to spend it with your friends and families.

These are just some of the many memories I have from growing up in Weston, CT. Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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