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10 Memories of Growing Up In Cape May, New Jersey

10 Memories of Growing Up In Cape May, New Jersey

Growing up in Cape May, New Jersey gave me a unique and irreplaceable childhood. From the crashing waves and busy summers to the quiet winters, I would not want to call anywhere else home. These are some of my favorite memories of growing up in Cape May, New Jersey.

Growing up in Cape May, New Jersey gave me a unique and irreplaceable childhood. From the crashing waves and busy summers to the quiet winters, I would not want to call anywhere else home. These are some of my favorite memories of growing up in Cape May, New Jersey.

Summer Days at the Beach

My favorite memory of growing up in Cape May is those warm, beautiful days at the beach. There is no better feeling than sitting in the sand in July enjoying the summer breeze.

My sister and I on Philadelphia St. beach.


Attending Grade School in the Heart of Town

There was no greater sense of community than at Our Lady Star of the Sea, my grade school. Some of my greatest memories from childhood took place in the little school on Lafayette Street.

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Riding my Bike Anywhere

Cape May is small enough that I can ride my bike from one end of the town to the other. Being able to ride anywhere gave me amazing freedom at such a young age.


Ice Cream on the Washington Street Mall

My family and I ride out bikes down to the mall almost every night in the summer. We stop in the Fudge Kitchen and get our creamsicle ice cream and walk along the shops.

Not Being Able to go Anywhere without Seeing Someone I Know

I can never go anywhere without seeing a friendly, familiar face. Everyone knows everyone, and it gives me a sense of community.

(Photo credit: CBS New York)


Working in the Summertime

Some of my favorite memories are the summer jobs I would get. It was so nice to be able to make a little extra money as a kid and get experience in a work environment.

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Living a Few Blocks Away from the Coast Guard Training Base

One of my favorite things about growing up in Cape May was seeing the Coast Guard Trainees jogging around town chanting. When I was little, they would run down my street and my sister would refer to them as “postcards.”

Summer Nights on the Boat

For a few years, my family owned a small Boston Whaler. I loved nothing more than to take the boat out after dinner and ride around as the sun went down. We also loved fishing for flounder, although we always threw them back in.

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The Emptiness of Winter

As Labor Day passes and the crowds dwindle, bustling Cape May becomes a ghost town. As a child, my favorite days were September beach days, when it was still warm, but the crowds were small. Apparently, as pictured below, my least favorite days were freezing cold Christmas card pictures in December.

The Happiness and Life Memorial Day Weekend Brings

When Memorial Day approaches, we would prepare ourselves for the crowds. The beginning of summer brings me such happiness because Cape May in the summer is the best place to be.

I loved growing up in Cape May, New Jersey and wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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