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25 Memes That Sum Up 2020 So Far

25 Memes That Sum Up 2020 So Far

For years now, people have been using memes to describe how they feel, what’s going on in the world, and so much more. Memes are often used to equate funny situations or world events with TV shows, movie quotes, and other forms of entertainment, and 2020 has so far been one of the most meme-worthy years in the history of mankind!

If you need a good laugh and some hilariously accurate content for your next Instagram story post, check out these 25 memes that are so on point with what’s gone down so far this year.

1. Daily damage report

If you wake up every morning and check your go-to news outlet for updates on COVID-19, the presidential debates and upcoming election, the BLM protests, police defunding, and now the battle strikes between Armenia and Azerbaijan, then you definitely feel the full impact of this meme.


2. 2020 grads

Sadly, high school and college grads all over the country have been forced to indefinitely postpone the great honor of walking at their commencement ceremonies due to COVID-19.

This hasn’t stopped grads from celebrating, as many have held drive-by ceremonies and other creative alternatives that will hold them over until in-person ceremonies are reinstated!

3. Virtual classroom scenario 1

How many students are actually learning from virtual classroom settings, and how frustrated are the teachers? This meme pretty accurately illustrates just how chaotic virtual classrooms can get!


4. The final arrow

Boromir took quite a few shots before finally going down, which is kind of how the last few years  have been playing out. Alas, 2020 sure seems to be the final arrow; I think we’ve all had just about enough!


While the rational portion of those in charge debated over whether or not shutting down the economy was the best way to secure the public’s safety, the less rational portion decided to provoke riots by sending the National Guard and officers decked in riot gear to peaceful protests!

6. Winter is here

Just when the US started reporting one-third of all the world’s new COVID-19 cases, the economy experienced the worst downturn since the Great Depression. Cue the wight walkers!


7. Hotel Hell

With no obvious end in sight to the pandemic, it sure feels like we’re all being held hostage at the crappiest one-star hotel on the planet!

8. What next?!

We can all relate to this one. First came COVID-19, followed by the death of Kobe and Gianna Bryant, Trump’s impeachment, the stock market crash, the BLM protests, the murder hornets, the Beirut explosion, the California wildfires, and the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And those are just a few of the major events!

9. Trying to get a job in 2020

Add the stress of trying to find a job when over 12 million Americans are unemployed to the stress of the pandemic, the election, and everything else. You’ll feel a lot like Ron Weasley does right here!


10. The deception…

Everyone was so excited for 2020—the beginning of a new decade. Now we all wish we’d never looked forward to it because, as Sandy so expertly claims, it was all just a sham!

11. A super-disaster

At first glance, this meme seems pretty funny. But, after realizing how accurate it is, and after thinking about some of the issues we’re still dealing with in 2020, it’s just plain sad. Moving on!

12. The plague deliverer

First came the series of unknown plagues in 1620, then the Great Plague of Marseille in 1720, several Cholera pandemics in 1820, and the Spanish flu outbreak in 1920. Are these all coincidences? I guess we’ll have to wait till the year 2120 to know for sure!


13. Reese Witherspoon edition

At least January was semi-tolerable. February came with the official announcement of COVID-19, and then we all got the bad news that the economy was shutting down in March. Fast-forward to October, where we’re all wandering around aimlessly and still not quite sure what we did to deserve this!

14. History class

I truly feel sorry for future students who have to learn about all the craziness that went down this year. Although, I’m guessing it won’t just be one student crying—it’ll be everyone, the teacher included!

15. Dumpster fire

Ah, 2020—the year that every major event was another douse of propane atop this huge dumpster fire. Since we can’t go out or do much of anything, let’s just kick back and enjoy the blaze, shall we?


16. Yearning for 2019

Remember wanting 2019 to just end already? Now, I’m betting most of us would do anything to go back! Perhaps we judged many previous years too harshly…

17. The pandemic hierarchy

Remember when COVID-19 was referred to as the coronavirus? Now that we know all about coronaviruses and their variations, it’s considered inaccurate to call our current pandemic “the coronavirus.”

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And if you call it “the rona,” then you’re definitely too cool and nonchalant to be corrected!

18. Satan is shocked

Even the prince of darkness would have been completely blown away if God had shown him his plan for 2020—hashtag SHOOKETH!

19. Sweet, sweet revenge

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t been losing sleep over the airlines that have been scrambling to stay afloat. Just 10 years ago, checking a bag was included in your airfare. Now some airlines charge $100 or more per bag as well as $40 or more just to pick your seat!


20. Bird Box logic

Let’s all pretend that we’re in the Bird Box universe and COVID-19 can’t get to us if we don’t ever look it straight in the face. Crazy…or brilliant?

21. New social etiquette

Younger kids must be pretty confused by their parents doing a complete 180 when it comes to phones and outdoor play.

If only there were other indoor activities…like reading a book, or playing a board game, or literally anything other than staring at our phones.


22. Expectation vs. reality

And the worst part about all these canceled plans is that literally every major holiday falls on a weekend this year. What are the odds?!

23. Virtual classroom scenario 2

We all know that one person who can’t figure out how to mute their mic and has their fan blasting in the background, their dog barking, and their parents yelling at each other. These poor teachers!

24. History final

This is going to require a few all-nighter cram sessions. I just hope teachers save these history lessons for college, when students will be a bit more well-equipped to learn about all the horrors of 2020!


25. Back to the pandemic

Honestly, this is just excellent advice. If we ever invent fully functional time travel, this warning sign needs to be placed in plain view for all time travelers to see!

Have these 25 memes accurately summed up your 2020 experience so far? Comment below!

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