Categories: Beauty

30 Meaningful Tattoos That Are Worth The Hype

Looking for a meaningful tattoo, but lack inspiration? These awesome tattoos are perfect examples of just how sentimental the designs can get!

1. An Eloquent Statement On Human Consciousness

Most people have an intuitive feeling that our consciousness arises in our brains. This tattoo makes a statement on where in the body human existence primarily stems from, while also referencing the tendency to hide away in one’s own thoughts.

2. Phases Of The Moon

This is a beautiful illustration of the constant state of change the world is in. Humans, much like the moon, each go through phases of emptiness, only to make the fullness more beautiful and special.

3. Balance In The Natural Universe

This is the perfect meaningful tattoo for anyone interested in the physical laws that bind us. It represents the balance of all things, despite the chaotic nature of  the universe.

4. Cat Scratch Memorial

After their cat passed away, this person decided to get a tattoo in memorial, accompanying scars they had received from the same cat earlier. Despite accidents that may occur, the love between a pet and its owner can be something very special.

5. A Declaration

As John Church once said, “give me liberty, or give me death!” This is a constant reminder to never settle for less than justice.

6.  A Reminder To Keep Fighting

The semicolon tattoo has long served as a representation of the decision to keep fighting after struggles that made you question the desire to keep living. This beautiful incorporation with a heartbeat is an amazing reminder that you are alive and should make the most of it!

7. The Power Of Creation

A biblical reference to how God created Eve using only the rib of Adam. In this case, the tattoo aims more to point out the life-giving abilities of women. They call it The Creation Of Adam.

8. Human Suffering

There is so much outstanding imagery packed into this one tattoo! The cityscape creates the perfect modern setting for the statement. The man is trapped inside his own mind, represented as a skull. The shooting line piercing into him shows the pain he is experiencing. The skull itself represents the finality of death, a curse or a blessing depending on your perspective.

9. Everlasting Fingerprint

Someone’s fingerprint is a wonderful way to remember them, and extremely easy to do if they are alive and in contact with you! For babies who have passed, use the prints taken at birth. There are endless design possibilities to incorporate a fingerprint (or multiple!) into your tattoo.

10. Exchanging Handwriting

This is actually a picture from a good friend of mine that I met on the Northland College Cross Country team. While traveling solo through Asia, she kept bumping into the same guy. It was such an extraordinary coincidence, they decided to get matching tattoos in each others language and handwriting! The phrase they choose to use? “It’s fine.”

11. The Give And Take Of Life

An artistic take on the traditional symbol, this meaningful tattoo shows the end of someone’s life as they drown, though offers endless cosmic possibilities for the future.

12. A Reminder To Be Mindful

This meaningful tattoo is a known symbol in the mindfulness community, showing a connection to the world around you emulating from a single point – your consciousness. It serves as a helpful reminder to stay in the moment.

13. Footprints To Last Forever

Since baby footprints are so small (and so cute!) they are a perfect option to remember a lost child and will easily fit anywhere on your body.

14. Irony

Sometimes tattoos don’t have to be super serious to be meaningful. This tattoo is ironic in and of itself, making it a fun conversational thinking piece.

15. Helpful Tips

For music, TV, and video lovers alike, this tattoo gives you a gentle reminder to take the time and fully experience life. The modern format makes the message more fun and less daunting.

16. Nourish Yourself

While this tattoo is perfect for anyone who loves gardening, it is also a reminder to care for yourself. We all need support and nourishment to grow.

17. Keep Track Of Your Travels

Geographic tattoos have always been a favorite of mine aesthetically. One fun option if you choose to start with a blank map such as this is to get a small mark to represent each place you visit! To add extra meaning, have the tattoo done wherever you are.

18. The Beauties Of Earth

Representing the duality in everything, this meaningful tattoo shows off two very different sides of the wonderous and bountiful beauty Earth has to offer.

19. A Loved One’s Voice

There are tons of creative meaningful tattoo options utilizing the idea of sound bytes. Life-changing lyrics, an important part of a speech or, as is the case in this tattoo, important words from a loved one. These sound waves accompany the audio of his father saying “I love you.”

20. Taking A Look At Yourself

This introspective tattoo offers crazy visuals alongside a profound message about taking a closer look at who you really are.

See Also

21. Serving As A Cover Up

For anyone who has a history of self-harm, has been in an accident, or otherwise procured scars, many tattoo parlors will cover them up free of charge! This is just one potential tattoo, though the options here are just about limitless.

22. The Power Inside You

Often placed on the wrist where your begins, this cyborg-like tattoo represents the power within each one of us.

23. Who You Are Beneath The Mask

Many people hide behind a mask in some way. Lying about who you are, acting differently around certain people, or falling into societal norms you disagree with are all a facade keeping people from the real you. This image represents having that mask fall away to allow you to finally let people in.

24. The Brain-Heart Connection

This image portrays the important effects our brain plays on the rest of our body. The heart can need many incredible feelings and indescribable emotions, but our ability to bask in this enjoyment comes solely from our mind. With the good comes the bad.

25. A Starry Reminder

This meaningful tattoo is meant to serve as a reminder of your roots to the universe; that we all come from stardust. For religious naturalists or anyone with an intimate connection to nature, this is a perfect and easy to cover up option!

26. Having The World Handed To You

Everyone wants the universe handed to them on a string, without all the rough edges and complications life comes with. While not realistic, this is a beautiful reminder to keep that childish hope for the best.

27. Human Anatomy

Intelligent, thought-provoking, and beautiful, this meaningful tattoo is a reminder to look for the beauty in all things, including each other.

28. A Declaration To Love Being Alive

Though it is quite simple, this is perhaps the most profound message of all the tattoos. The semicolon declares a desire to keep fighting, but it being encapsulated in aa heart shows a further drive to actively love being alive as much as possible.

29. The Eternal Cosmic Flow

A more classical representation of Yin and Yang, (as well as a throwback to Avatar The Last Airbender0, this is a simple, yet elegant tattoo professing a well-known truth regarding the balance of all things.

30.  Expanding Your Mind

Good mental health is important to living a happy life, so be sure to set aside self-care time and treat yourself once in a while.

I hope these meaningful tattoos helped you get the inspiration you need to get to that tattoo parlor and get a new design of your own! Let me know in the comments below which designs were your favorite and share this article with your fellow tattoo loving friends!

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Mykala Repati

Mykala Repati graduated from Northland College with a B.A. in Writing and from Tulane University with her Master of Social Work (MSW).

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