Making Friends At Florida State- Without Joining Greek Life

It may seem like joining Greek Life at Florida State is the only way to make friends and meet new people, but this is not true. Whether you are uninterested or can not afford Greek Life, do not worry- there are other ways to meet people and make new friends. After four years at Florida State, I have noticed that there are countless other ways to become involved and to socialize. These are some of the main solutions for meeting new people.
Talk to people in your classes
One of the biggest mistakes I made during my first few years at Florida State, was keeping to myself during class. Your classmates can be your potential study partners and friends. Not to mention, the people in your classes are likely in your major and looking to pursue a similar career. Your classmates can help you largely with assignments and even gaining internships and other information about your major. This year I have been talking more to people in my classes, and I am now unsure why I didn’t do this sooner. Some of my classmates have become my best friends and eternal study partners. As an English major, I have also learned from reading my classmates’ writing, and love to hear their suggestions to improve my own skills. Learn from my mistakes, and always talk to and get to know your peers.
Join sports clubs
Florida State University is an especially large school, meaning there are clubs available for every single hobby or interest you may have. If you played a sport in high school or want to learn a new one, sports clubs are a great way to further your skills and to exercise in a fun way. Club sports teams also often get to travel to games together and compete against other schools. Intramural sports are also a great way to become involved and play sports, in a less serious manner. Both organizations are a great way to meet people with similar interests and spend time practicing these together. The adventure club at Florida State is also a great one to join if you enjoy being active and adventurous. Members of this club participate in various activities together such as hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding, and other outdoor activities.
Consider joining CHAARG
CHAARG is another popular, active club at Florida State. CHAARG is a women’s organization, intended to encourage exercise and fitness among a close-knit group of college-aged women. CHAARG is a very welcoming and inclusive organization, always looking to add more members to their group. Besides giving you a group of supportive women to help you attain fitness goals, CHAARG also has social events. They have a yearly formal in which members dress nicely and all attend. CHAARG is a great way to meet women around your own age, with similar interests as you.\
Sign up for Dance Marathon
Dance Marathon is an organization which holds a yearly event, intended to raise money for disabled children. This organization is widely popular among all students at Florida State because it is a great way to serve your community and have fun doing it. Leading up to the event, there are various share-it nights and other meetings which members attend. The actual Dance Marathon event is held after months of fundraising money for the children and their families in need of help. Dance Marathon weekend includes hours of dancing and games, as a way to continue raising money and dance for those who cannot. Besides being a great service to children and their families in this community, you can make friends while doing so. I know so many people who have met their best friends through Dance Marathon weekend. Not to mention, the friends you make here will be interested in the same cause and enjoy helping others in need. Dance Marathon is open to all students at Florida State, as well as the leadership positions within the organization. Joining this organization is a great way to serve others, become involved, and meet people within your school.
Apply for a job near or on campus
Last year, I worked at a local restaurant that was close to campus. The initial reason I applied for this job was to earn money at somewhere close to where I live and study. Although this is true, this job also helped me meet many coworkers who also attend Florida State. Working somewhere on or near campus is a great way to earn money while meeting people around your own age. At the workplace, you have no choice but to converse and get to know your coworkers. Spending so much time together, you’re likely to become friends with some of them. This will be helpful when trying to switch shifts and when looking for a friend to spend time with. Making friends at your workplace will make your job much more enjoyable and easier to be at. At every college within FSU, they hire students within one of those majors. Working at an academic department at Florida State is also a great resume booster.
Sign up for random roommates
Many of my best friends have been a result of random roommate matching. While I know it does not always work out this way for others, signing up for random roommates allows you the opportunity to get to know people you may not have met otherwise. If you choose to do this, I recommend living in a 3×3 or a 4×4 to increase your chances of making a friend. At the start of last school year, I found myself nervous and anxious to be living with three people who I did not know at all. As the year went on, I found myself sobbing to be leaving my roommate who had truly become my best friend. I can not even attempt to count the number of hours we had spent hanging out in each other’s room and doing other activities together. We also introduced ourselves to our neighbors at that apartment, who have become some of my best friends as well. I highly recommend taking the risk and living with random roommates.
College is a time where many people are looking to make new friends and expand their horizons. Florida State offers countless opportunities to become involved and meet people around your age. Try one of these suggestions to build your resume and make lifelong friends while doing so!
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Senior at FSU.