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2019 Makeup Trends Rated From Amazing To Hell No

2019 Makeup Trends Rated From Amazing To Hell No

Some 2019 makeup trends are so cute that you’ll be wearing them for years to come. But other 2019 makeup trends just didn’t hit the spot the same. They may be great for the runway but not for everyday wear. I’ve rated some of our most interesting and amazing makeup trends from 2019 based on best to never again. Let’s keep some of these trends in 2019 while welcoming the others to flourish far beyond this year. 

1. Neon Eyeshadow 

Whether you are flaunting your inner corner with bright eyeshadow or wearing bright blue, yellow or pink on your eyes, this is a great part of our 2019 makeup trends, at least in my own opinion. For years our makeup palettes have been stuck in neutral colors taking on a mixture of brown and black tones. But never fear because 2019 was here with all the bright and neon-colored palettes so we could change up our smoky eyes and show some true colors. Playing with color is never bad and doing a bit of experimentation either worked in your favor or was not a part of your favorite in terms of makeup trends for this year. 

Either way, the neon eyeshadow palettes definitely made it to the top of my favorites for 2019 makeup trends. 


2. Bushy and Grown Out Eyebrows 

2019 has seen bushy and grown out eyebrows along with products to help them appear thick and bold on the face. For many, the eyebrows are the shapers of the face and will really help one’s makeup come together. 2019 took that thinking to another level with natural yet very extra looking eyebrows. A year of materialism and new makeup products that will enhance your beauty and yet help you appear natural with a fully beat down face can have nothing else but strong, thick and bold brows. I personally love the look of thicker and a bit unstructured brows and it is a trend that has got 2019 up in arms over whether natural or structured brows are better for a full beat. Both are extra and beautiful, but which one will you choose? 


3. Natural and Glowing Foundation 

Heavily applied matte foundation may be a thing of the past as people are more interested in a glowing appearance that isn’t too built up with cake. The looks we are seeing have a more subtle glow to them instead of a heavy and blinding highlight. The beauty community may be leaning more towards beauty that can be achieved with some light foundation and subtle shine so that it is enhancing what you already have instead of re-creating features that you don’t. I still love a full face, but when you are on the go it may be easier to apply that light foundation that still has some sheer coverage yet gives you glowing skin without the oiliness. Nars’s Sheer Glow foundation will definitely help you achieve that full coverage but natural look. 

Are you following this trend into 2020 or keeping with the full beat down of a recreated face? 


4. Blue or Purple Mascara 

Yeah, this is a nah for me. Some people can really pull off the blue or purple mascara, but many times I’d like to think we could all leave it in the past. It was a cute idea by some makeup companies, but are we really feeling this trend? It might be fun to try out for a night at the club or bars, but going to work, or running around doing errands? I just don’t think so. To each their own, but this mascara trend better not follow us into 2020. Stick with blue or purple eyeliner instead, it gets the color in without making you appear like you have some weird material on your eyelashes. It’s time we stick with the darker mascara whether that is brown or black. 

If we are being honest, it looks great on Cara Delvigne, but she’s on the runway and all about couture looks, you can’t be couture every day. 

See Also
A summer fashion staple is as important as your cell phone and you would never leave the house without having it on you.

5. Pink Lip Gloss and Lipstick 

Pink is the shade brands are using now to color our lips and help us appear like barbie. Pink is not a shade for everyone though, bright pink especially. It’s like we are trying to bring back the late 90’s and early 00’s in an attempt to look cute, reminisce and achieve a spring time look all year round. Pink can either help you appear cute and innocent or it can take your look to a jersey shore club: a look you are probably not going for. That is why most pink shades should stay in 2019, where are all the reds at? 


6. Heavy Contour 

Who really has time to go all out and contour their face every single day? It can look really good on a red carpet, a night out, and then some occasional days you have events to go to. But for going to work? probably not. A subtle contour with some easy to use bronzer and baking will probably do. But using full out cream contour every day will just take too long and can also be a bit too much for some daily events. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love the look. But it can be unrealistic for an everyday look especially if you are going all out doing your nose, cheekbones, forehead, and chin area. Not to mention the makeup trend is a bit of a contradiction to natural makeup looks, but what would makeup be without trying to appear at least a bit natural? Kim Kardashian’s contour kits took everyone by storm and now a lot of people are trying to re-create what the drag queens originally brought us. It is a look that can be used sometimes, but not for everyday wear. 


Which 2019 makeup trends did you love? Which 2019 makeup trends are you just waiting to discard? Some of these trends worked out wonderfully in my opinion but others we should really just put in memory’s past. Let us know what you think! 

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