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8 Makeup Looks For The Busy College Student

8 Makeup Looks For The Busy College Student

Are you a college student who is always on the go? Do you need a new makeup routine, but have absolutely no clue where to start? Are you always tired of doing the same makeup routine every day? Well, look no further! Here are 8 makeup looks to get you ready for spring AND to serve you some serious photo shoot inspiration.

1.The Eye Embellishment

This makeup look serves as a perfect opportunity to elevate your eye makeup look and to make yourself look awake in the morning. Plus, let us be honest with each other here – who is not the happiest person living on planet Earth with stars on their faces? This savvy makeup look takes no more than 5 minutes to do – just pick a neutral eye shadow color (or keep it bare if you are feeling more of a natural look), grab any sticker of your choice, and just pop it on! This looks will definitely turn heads everywhere you go AND will get people talking – this is one out of eight makeup looks every college student will want to try.

2.Glitter Matte Smoky Eye

Let us be real here, the regular smoky eye look was so last year. However, if you are someone who truly enjoys constructing the smoky eye look but want to turn the volume up a little, add some glitter on your eyelids. Now, you may be wondering this: that looks extremely hard, so how am I supposed to pull that off? The answer to that question is that it is actually not that hard to pull off. You just swipe a little eyeshadow primer on your eyes (highly recommended so that your shadow does not smear all over your eyes) and then tap a shimmery silver (or whatever color you feel up to doing) color on top. You’ll definitely look (and feel) like a superstar. This is two out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.


3.Out of Place Eyeliner

Are you tired of doing the same old “cat eye” look with the same old black eyeliner? Well, I have some good news for you: there are many different colors of eyeliner out there to try on AND it does not have to lie perfectly on your lash line. Shocking, right? However, this spring season is the time to take risks and to have fun expressing yourself with the art of makeup! In order to do this, finish applying your eye shadow and then obtain a pencil eyeliner and draw a line across your eyelid. If you are feeling extra bold, make the line into any shape you like. This is three out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.  Photo shoot? Yes, please!

4.Red Lipstick

Red lipstick is every woman’s way of telling the world that she is both classy and sophisticated. It makes the look very simple to do (plus there are red lipsticks being sold everywhere right now) and can transform a woman from cute to serious in just one second. To do this, make sure to prepare your lips with a lip scrub and then swipe on any red matte lipstick that you like. However, if you want to make your lips really pop, put on a glitter coat on top. This is four out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.  All the boys will really fall head over heels for you and will feel the urge to kiss you as soon as they see you.

5.Contrasting Color Combinations

Who is to say that you can only stick with one color? This spring, it is all about experimenting with different color hues and shades. In order to really pull this trend off, choose any two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel system. Next, swipe one color across your lids. Let it dry for a few minutes so that it does not get smeared immediately after putting it on. Right after that, swipe the second color onto your lower lash line. If you are definitely feeling dramatic or just simply want to pull off an extra dramatic look, just top off you eye makeup with black mascara to make your contrasting color combination the center of attention. Now you are screaming to the public, “Stop the world, I want to get off and show everyone how confident I am about myself today!” – a type of attitude everyone should have in life. This is five out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.

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6.Purple Underliner

Tired of using the same old black underliner look? No problem! This look will not only elevate your model status, but will definitely have people wondering this: “How does she get that look and pull it off so well?” This trend is slowly taking over the world, and it looks like as if it is definitely going to stay for quite a while. It will definitely make your eyes pop for the Spring 2020 season and pull it off with a bomb outfit – then you will look like a million bucks. To do this, obtain a purple cream eye shadow to put on your fingers. Dab the eye shadow on your lower lashes very gently. After that, top of the “ outerspace” look with just a coat of black mascara and a simple touch of any blue shadow on your inner corners. This is six out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.

7.Goth Lipstick

Do you want to experiment with new lipstick colors this spring instead of always getting the same, dull, boring pink color? Look here. Pick out a dark color lipstick (besides the usual red) and swipe it on your lips. Trust me, this will scream “so rebellious” on a whole new level and it shows that you are bold to take on such a huge risk like this. So, how do you pull that off? First, gently hydrate your lips with a lip balm. Then, swipe on a dark lipstick of any color of your choice (but not red). Do you want to go extra dark? Place some sheer, gray eye shadow on your lids and you will gain bonus points for being very artistic; it will easily show. This is seven out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.


8.Fluorescent Creases

Hold up a minute, this trend consists of two makeup trends in one?  Who would have thought that I would mention it? These two trends include the out of place eyeliner trend (explained further at number three) and the neon liner trend. It is time for you to pull out your latest spring dress collection – because let me tell you, you are going to rule the world with this look. First, grab a very bright eyeliner and construct an upside-down swoop from your inner corner to the middle of your eyelid. From here, you have two choices: you can either stop there, or you can continue the swoop with the use of another eyeliner cover. Not only does this show how rebellious you can be with your art, but how well a confident woman like yourself (yes, you!) can be in pulling off this two-toned look. This is eight (and the last one) out of eight makeup looks that every college student will want to try.

What are your favorite makeup trends to try when you go out somewhere? Which of these makeup routines might you try next? Sound off in the comments below!

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