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10 Makeup Essentials For Your College Checklist

10 Makeup Essentials For Your College Checklist

It's hard deciding what to pack and bring to college with you. These are affordable makeup items for your college checklist that you definitely need!

The last thing I spend money on is beauty products. But, the beauty products I do use are all amazing and very affordable for college students. When I moved to the beautiful campus of Florida State University I didn’t know one person except my brother. I didn’t have anyone to take me under their wing and show me the ways. So, I am going to tell you all my beauty secrets I have learned from my years at Florida State University. These are 10 makeup items for you college checklist!


1. Make up wipes

These are an essential I cannot stress it enough. Not only can make up wipes remove the make up from your face but also your bathroom counter. If you’re anything like me, you spill your foundation and glitter eyeshadow all over your sink and make up wipes clean that right up. My favorite makeup wipes are Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleaning Towelettes Night Calming, they smell really good and I like the purple packaging.

2. Rubbing alcohol

I’m not sure if this is considered make up but I use rubbing alcohol when I have a new pimple forming to dry it out. Also this can be used as a cleaning product and for first aid. Can’t beat multi- purpose products!


3. Lip gloss

I love love LOVE lip-gloss. It is the cherry on top of the perfect outfit and boys love anything that draws attention to your lips. My favorite is Pure Peach by Too Faced. It is in their Sweet Peach line of products and it taste and smells like peaches and makes my lips shiny and soft.


4. Concealer

When you have an 8am class on Friday morning… or any morning really, concealer is your best friend. Although the bags under my eyes are always designer I still like to throw on a little concealer under my eyes and on any little zits I may have. I suggest NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer, that usually solves half my problems every morning.

5. Mascara

MY roommate is a big fan of fake eyelashes but I can get the same exact look with my trusty Rimmel London Scandal Eyes mascara. Not only is this fairly cheap and can be found at the CVS behind my apartment but it makes my lashes so long and dark with no clumps.


6. Powder

No one tells you that the clubs and bars are going to hit capacity by 10pm every night and it will feel like there is no air condition and you are in a sauna. With that being said, it’s safe to say your make up will melt off if you don’t have the right pressed powder on. Stay Matte by Rimmel London has become my favorite most used product. This long lasting matte powder is not only cheap but keeps my foundation in place all night.

7. Hair spray

Going to school in Florida means humidity 350 days of the year. Humidity can make or break your perfect curls you just spent two hours creating. Make sure you have hair spray on deck so your hair stays fabulous all day and night. I use Garner Fructis Style Anti- Humidity hairspray.


See Also

8. Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is your best friend. When you are fighting to find a seat at the library during exam week and haven’t left the library for two days now and you’re practically paying rent there, dry shampoo is how you are washing your hair. Or maybe you over slept and all your friends are leaving for happy hour and you have no time to shower and do your hair, dry shampoo. Not Your Mother’s Plump For Joy body building dry shampoo always brings my hair back to life and takes all the grease out of it.


9. Clay face mask

After a weekend of partying or a long week of studying treat yo self to a face mask. I try to use a face mask once or twice a week to revive my face from all the make-up I’ve had on all week and all the vodka water’s I’ve consumed over the weekend. Mint Julep Masque by Queen Helene is my life saver.


10. Hair ties

Every girl’s favorite accessory. This is an everyday necessity. How many times have you found yourself checking your wrist frantically only to not find a hair tie? Always keep a hair tie on your wrist and you could even make a friend in the bathroom by lending a stranger a hair tie.

Do you have any other makeup items that should be on the college checklist!? Share in the comments below!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Featured Image: weheartit