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10 Loving Things To Do For Your S.O. That Don’t Cost Anything

10 Loving Things To Do For Your S.O. That Don’t Cost Anything

10 Loving Things To Do For Your S.O. That Don't Cost Anything

Doing something nice for your SO doesn’t need to cost anything. There are plenty of things you can do to show your love for your partner that are completely free. Here are 10 loving things to do for your SO that don’t cost a thing.

1. Paint or draw them something

Get creative with a present and paint or draw your SO something. A painting or drawing can last forever, and will be a reminder of you when they look at it. Play around with different concepts and create something that’s a symbol of your love. They’ll no doubt appreciate the heartfelt gesture.

2. Write them a letter

This one is a personal favorite. If you’re not too adept in the artistic department, writing your SO a letter can be equally effective as a painting or a drawing. It doesn’t need to be a special occasion to verbally express your love and appreciation for your partner. Put pen to paper (or fingers to a keyboard) and get your feelings out.


3. Make them dinner

Rummage around in your fridge and whip up something yummy to eat with the ingredients you have. Having a nice dinner to come home to after a long day is a gesture that anyone would appreciate. Make it romantic with a few candles and a bottle of wine, and have yourself a night.

4. Take them to your favorite viewpoint

Whether it’s night or day, buckle up and head to your favorite viewpoint with your SO. It’s a nice way to share something about yourself while getting to spend some quality time together. Bring a few blankets and snacks and snuggle up under the stars (or sun, if it’s daytime). Enjoy each other’s company as well as the view.

5. Make them a playlist

If your SO enjoys music (who doesn’t), making them a playlist is a great way to show affection. Put together a mix of their favorite songs, albums, and artists. It’ll give them something to listen to in their day to day life, and will be a nice reminder of you.


6. Clean their apartment

If you’re up for it, cleaning your SO’s apartment is a great gesture that will certainly not go unnoticed. Cleaning the house is one of the most dreaded chores for many, so they’ll no doubt appreciate you getting it out of the way for them. And who doesn’t love coming home to a clean space after a long day’s work?

7. Do their laundry

Laundry is another item that’s pretty up there on the dreaded list of chores. Getting your SO’s laundry out of the way will no doubt bring them a sense of relief and appreciation for you. It may take a little time, but it’s a loving gesture that doesn’t cost anything.

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8. Make them a photo collage

Make your partner a collage of your favorite moments together. Everything is digital now, so making a physical photo collage of your relationship is a great way to show your SO that they mean something to you. Whether you put it on a piece of paper or make a scrapbook, the sentiment will be the same.

9. Give them a massage

If you want things to get a little steamy, giving your SO a massage is a great way to get things going. Physical touch releases endorphins and can help your partner relax after a long day at work. It’s also a great way to get closer, and move things to the next level.

10. Wash their car

Skip the carwash and get hands on with your SO’s car. It’ll take a little bit of work, but will be super rewarding when it’s clean and you get to show them after.


These are only a handful of small ways to show that you care about your SO that don’t cost anything. Can you think of any other loving things to do for your SO? Comment below!