Welcome back Zodiacs! Your love horoscope is here! Since the new moon shifted into Virgo on September 19, you might have found yourself able to easily articulate your emotions. Keep in mind new moons are a time of new beginnings. Set those new moon intentions and write down some goals you’d like to achieve. Since Mercury has been opposing Neptune your interactions with people might feel a bit surreal. Enjoy it while it lasts and try not to read too into it! This Virgo new moon may initiate emotional support in a new health regimen or in the workplace. On the 24th Mars opposes Neptune; don’t let yourself get confused about your goals. Stay focused on envisioning them and they may come true a bit easier.
Change is coming Aries! This week your partnership sector opposes Uranus, the independent and courageous planet, and shakes up your love life. Chances are a change in your relationship direction is going to shift. Don’t freak though! You are going to be the one in control of the sudden shift. Whether your relationship status goes from single to taken, or taken to single, you will walk away feeling more like yourself than you have in recent months. Odds are you’re going to have to deal with two varying energies.
Embrace the change Aries! On the 22nd, the Sun visits Libra, which is your seventh house of committed relationships; team up for a creative collab if you’re a single Aries. On the 28th, Jupiter and Libra make its final opposition into liberated Uranus. Avoid making any rash decisions on this day because chances are you’ll feel panic set in shortly after you make this rash decision. Stalled ambitions could pick up steam. Now is the time to address any tension that’s built up with someone in your life but be strategic about it. Sounds like you’ve got a lot to think about daring Aries.
Romance is everywhere for the bull these days! Ruling planet Venus is going to be in your sector until October 14 which means it’s a perfect time to meet someone who swoons you. Be careful on Friday thought Taurus; Neptune and Venus are going to oppose one another and you may realize you’ve overlooked a flaw in someone you’ve recently met. Time to take the rose-colored glasses off! This very well might be a deal breaker. Chances are you won’t be too crushed though since love is on your side this month.
On the 24th your passion zone heats up, or makes you incredibly reactive with obsessive Mars lingering around. Look at things objectively Taurus and don’t jump the gun. The good news in all of this is that a soul mate is still within reach. Keep your heart open Taurus.
Coupled Gemini? You and your partner might not be agreeing on much lately. Is there a domestic decision that they are taking way more seriously than you are? While your desire for a laid-back and go-with-the-flow approach might aggravate you significant other, you both need to tough it out until Friday. The energy in your communication sector will change dramatically and convos will start running smoothly again. Single Geminis, take this time to explore. You may start talking to someone who you feel has serious potential.
The tough five-month cycle is coming to an end as Pluto (yes, it’s still a planet) charges into your intimacy and sex house. Any trust issues you’ve been struggling with should clear up now! Downside? Jupiter and Uranus clash into your eleventh house for the second time this year. If you rushed into a relationship or opening up to someone too soon, you may get a bit of backlash. Don’t freak out and pull away. If it’s the other person playing it hot-and-cold with you, keep your cool cause your emotions will feel all over the place.
Reel it back this week Cancer. There’s always that saying never settle for than what you feel you deserve but you may be letting that get to you a bit. This week focus on balancing love with realistic expectations. Take a step back and analyze if your idea of the perfect partner is a bit too naïve. It’s always great to dream but you are setting yourself up for failure if you continue with this outlook. Set realistic standards that are possible for someone to reach.
Regardless of if it’s a first day or someone you are in a relationship with, chill out a bit. You don’t want to be disappointed. On the 28th, Pluto’s retrograde ends, this might have been sabotaging your partnership house for the past five months. Someone who has been frustratingly hard-to-read or distant could become more allusive to you now. Careful Cancer, a toxic ex might resurface and bring up negative memories. Take the time to feel these emotions; there’s a message somewhere in there!
Finding your relationship to be a bit draining yet weirdly exciting? If you and your partner have been playing mental games with one another early in the week, pay attention to what your partner might be hinting at Leo. They may want to engage in a more stimulating conversation with you. You might be on the same page but you might realize this is all you two are agreeing on lately. Luckily after Saturday it’ll be much easier to talk to one another and make decisions about your relationship.
Okay Virgo; have you been itching for a bit of freedom? If so your love interest could be giving you a bit of grief about that. Don’t feel like you need to stifle your needs for your partner. That’ll just end poorly. On the 24th the stars might convince you to rush into an attraction. Do your due-diligence and get that Virgo tunnel-vision on. You might find some major red flags like you usually do. However, don’t become obsessive and look for every nitty gritty detail because that will absolutely sabotage any romantic potential. You don’t want to kill it before it even begins.
When you do decide to commit to someone, you usually do it because you think it’s your responsibility to fix them. Nobody can be fixed Virgo. This week you might feel a bit softer and it could invite love in if you’re a single Virgo. If you’re coupled, enjoy this time with your current beau. It may be temporary rose-colored glasses for you this week Virgo, but who cares?! On the 28th, Pluto is no longer in retrograde so it’ll no longer be bad-shit-crazy in your passionate fifth house. If a manipulative ex has been lurking around, say peace to the drama. They very well might leave you alone so you can get back on track.
Feeling confident Libra aren’t you? On September 28, Pluto sails out of its five month retrograde in your sensitive fourth house. You have been having some seriously emotional and intense experiences lately that have you constantly evaluating your life. The time has finally come where you can process what you’re feeling. You’ll start feeling clear. You may strangely have a clear idea of topics surrounding real estate and cohabitation. Hmm. On Thursday Jupiter-Uranus go into opposition for the second time this year.
This might create a bit of a challenge for you. You’re craving adventure and need breathing room. If you are a coupled Libra, you might start undergoing a period of doubt. Your partner could be acting strangely which is throwing you off. Single Libras? You’ve come into your own the past year but this is a great week to reinvent yourself one last time! You could very well be close to attracting the one you desire.
Hey there Scorpio babe. This week it looks like friendship and romance might get confusing. One of your friends might be crushing on you which is making a situation in your life a bit more complex. You might also be disappointed this week feeling as though you can’t introduce your new love interest to one of your friends. You’ve noticed they don’t seem as enthusiastic as you are about this new partner.
On the 28th Jupiter and Uranus oppose one another for the second time this year making you confused about surrender and control. You might just be too trusting and allowed someone shady to sneak back into your life. If you’re in denial about something, this is going to be a serious wake up call. Stop trying to be perfect Scorpio. Lucky for you all this confusion is going to be gone by next week. In fact, you’re going to hit the jackpot in life and love.
Shits about to get shook Sagittarius; in a good way, I promise! On Wednesday, Jupiter will be in the relationship-focused Libra and will be opposing Uranus, the planet of sudden events. Sounds scary, but it’s not. Whatever you think is going to happen, won’t so you can rest easy Sagittarius. Unpredictable outcomes are knocking on your door thanks to the cosmos. This is going to wake up your love life if you are a coupled Sagittarius. If you’re a single Sagittarius there is love potential out there and you might be surprised at who catches your attention.
On the 28th there is high drama though. Someone else, or you, could be trying to liven things up by creating some sort of conflict that demands more freedom. If it is a friend with benefit, hookup or a flirt could try to overturn things making is a seriously sticky situation. Since this is the second time this year that Jupiter and Uranus resist one another, it could be creating bumpy roads in your love life. If you are craving autonomy and some independence, see if you can create it without making a big mess of your life. Avoid the stress Sagittarius.
You are radiating some serious power this week Capricorn and it might be too much for your partner to handle. The planet of depth and transformation is moving into your sign and goes direct on Thursday after being in hibernation for five months. You are going to feel like a power-house; your will, determination and drive are returning slowly to you. Embrace your new empowerment Capricorn cause you’ll be moving mountains. Even though it’s all good news for you personally, your partner might not be able to keep up or might be slightly envious. Then again, power is sexy so don’t hold back.
Careful for the 28th since Jupiter and Uranus oppose one enough. It could shake up some strong emotions or destabilize any of your plans. There might be a brief moment where you have trouble balancing the changes going on in your life; both in your personal and professional life. Don’t let this overwhelm you. Anyone would have a hard time balancing them both! Avoid making rash decisions about your relationship status or about your feelings. Filter first Capricorn!
Finances are on your mind this week Aquarius. Early in the week you and your partner might not be on the same page in terms of finances. Perhaps your partner’s practical nature isn’t allowing the two of you to move forward either in an investment or other matters of finance. Sometimes taking a slow-and-steady approach to the situation is the best one. Yeah, that might not be what you want to hear, but before arguing about it, consider the fact your partner might be right.
On the 28th Pluto is no longer in retrograde which started last April. Murky Pluto may have sent you down a rabbit hole where you stumbled upon old demons, opening up old wounds. Luckily, now that it back on course, you are ready to heal. Careful though Aquarius, while you might want to share your progress with someone, stay alert. Sometimes having an intense conversation can shift your emotions. Wait for your emotions to stabilize this week and then give it a go.
Woah, lots going on for you this week Pisces! This week you may find that your babe is being truly supportive of your dreams, even if they seem a bit impractical. After all, it is one of your must-have qualities in a relationship: support. You may be feeling on cloud nine this week in regards to this area. You may find your partner being extra supportive, reminding you that inspiration is key to achieving your dream. If you are single Pisces, you may meet someone who does charitable work or is in health care. Specific and weird, I know but it’s in the cosmos so keep an eye out for it. On the 24th Mars and Neptune go into opposition which could be giving off the illusion you aren’t good enough; you are Pisces so don’t let yourself settle for any duds.
Perhaps you are getting cold feet. If that’s the case you need some personal space. You don’t need anyone breathing down your neck right now. Jealousy and possessiveness are not in the cards for you this week so give yourself some breathing room. Don’t make any decisions you can’t reverse out of insecurity. The 28th is a day that brings you some highs and lows. If you tainted someone’s trust lately, Jupiter and Uranus in opposition have you a bit reckless. You might just be shaking up the stability of your love life and might find yourself emotionally unloading. This emotional detox might get you realizing something you’ve taken for granted. With Mercury in Libra on the 29th, crazy things are in store for you next week Pisces!
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