10 Little Things To Do To Show Someone You’re Thinking About Them

These times are really difficult for everyone and we are all looking for ways to find happiness. If you’re lucky to have a significant other in your life at the moment then you’re probably looking for little things to show them you’re thinking about them. It’s really easy to do little things for them and it’s going to make a huge difference in your relationship. All you ever want to do is make your special someone happy especially in such a scary and strange world we live in.
1. Write Notes
It’s always nice to do little things for your significant other and one really easy but super sweet thing to do is write them some notes. It can be small post-it notes that share things about them or how you feel about them. Little notes like these are such a simple way to show someone you care about them. Write things like “I Love You” or “You Look Beautiful Today” or you could even just say right out “I’m Thinking of You”. You can leave these notes all over their house or apartment, this is easier to do if you already live together. If not leave notes where they can find them randomly like in their laptop or inside their bag.
2. Pack Them Lunch
Since doing these little things is a great way to show someone you’re thinking about them, making them lunch is a great way to show off that you care. If you live together, pack them some lunch with their favorite food to show them you are thinking of them. They will feel so special eating food you prepared just for them. You could even surprise them while they are at work with the lunch you made. If you can’t make them lunch or aren’t an experienced enough cook you could also surprise them by ordering food to be delivered to them at work or school.
3. Buy Them Coffee
This is one of the really easy of the little things you can do. Just buy them their favorite coffee in the morning! A lot of people feel like they can’t function without their morning coffee and if you were to buy them their favorite coffee or even just make them a cup of coffee at home it’s going to start their day off right. If they don’t like coffee then just make or buy whatever drink they like to have for breakfast. Either way, they are going to be surprised and excited that you thought of them first thing in the morning.
4. Send Them A Letter
A little old fashioned but still very effective. If you want someone to know you are thinking of them at random points in the week then write them letters! The letters can be filled with anything like thoughts about your life or all the things you love about them. It’s so rare to receive letters these days that it will be a lovely surprise for their week. You could even hand-deliver the letters yourself to ensure the person receives it and you get to see their reaction to the letter.
5. Text Them Cute Messages
As the day goes on why not send your significant other texts throughout the day. Just little things that say you are thinking about them like “Hope you’re having a good day!” or you can send them pictures of things you see that remind you of them with a text saying “Thinking about you.” Even sending a silly selfie is a cute text for them to get and let them know you want to brighten their day. If you know how their day is going like if they have a project to present that day text them wishing them luck. Suggest places to eat for dinner with their favorite foods in mind. Texts like these are going to tell them that they are constantly on your mind.
6. Buy Them Small Gifts
It doesn’t have to be something extravagant. Something so simple as just buying them a little stuffed animal that you know they will love. You can never go wrong with buying a little bouquet of flowers to show them you’re thinking about them. You could even just bring home some of their favorite gifts if they are having a bad day to cheer them up. It’s so simple to buy them small gifts but they are going to love it because they know you had them on your mind while you were choosing the gift.
7. Do Some Chores
This is more so if you live with that special someone. Just do some chores at home without having to be asked to do it. If you know they have had a long day and will be tired when they get home then try doing some cleaning up. Why not do their laundry with yours to save them some time. Take the dog for a walk so they don’t have to when they get home. It’s just one of those little things you can do to tell your significant other you love them and that you want them to be relaxed.
8. Call Them On Your Break
If you are at work and are thinking about your special someone then why not give them a call during your break. Even if they don’t answer they are going to smile so wide when they see the notification knowing you wanted to speak to them.
9. Make Them A Playlist
This is personally one of my favorite of the little things I can do for my significant other. Either giving or receiving a playlist is always a wonderful gift to get. Fill the playlist with songs that make you think of them or just remind you of the memories you had. It’s such a beautiful way to show someone you’re thinking about them because you are literally able to put into music how you feel.
10. Just Tell Them!
Every time you see them just say “I’m always thinking about you.” Simply speaking to them and letting them know you are always there is such a wonderful way to express they are always on your mind. It’s quick and easy just in passing to share a simple exchange just by saying you care.
Which of these little things are you going to try to show someone you are thinking about them? Let us know in the comments! Make sure to share with your friends so they can do little things to show people important to them that they care about.
Hi, my name is Sara and I'm a 22-year-old college student in New York. I'm a corporate communications major excited and passionate about writing and art. When I graduate from Baruch College I hope to pursue my dream of getting a cosmetology license and hope to one day be working in the beauty industry.