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5 Listography Books That Will Make Your List-making Dreams Come True

5 Listography Books That Will Make Your List-making Dreams Come True

Diaries and journals might be a thing of the past, because now it’s all about listography books, your new BFFs that will keep you company day and night. Some time ago we used to grab our journals and pour our feelings and thoughts into them, however now you can do the same but with a slight twist, thanks to a variety of different books that go from list-making to guided daily questions that make writing much easier. Besides, who doesn’t love making long lists and answering random questions? Here are 5 listography books that will make your list-making dreams come true.


The FIVE-MINUTE JOURNAL is one of the most famous question-guided daily journals out there. It’s a noble companion that offers daily questions that prompt inner self-reflections. This journal is actually described as the “simplest way to start your day happy”. The FIVE-MINUTE JOURNAL resort to positive psychology in order to improve your happiness, helping you focus on the good things that life offers. With questions that truly take five minutes, it’s easy, productive and fast. The coolest thing is that since it doesn’t have pre-written dates, you can skip days whenever you don’t feel like journaling. By the way, it’s the most perfect coffee table book and has an aesthetically pleasing cover that will complete your living room décor perfectly.

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2. Calm The Chaos

Calm The Chaos is literally meant for what it says: to calm the chaos of our minds after an exhausting day or week even. This book is described by its creators as the perfect tool for “anyone who feels overwhelmed by endless to-do lists and crippling stress.” The daily bullet-sstyle prompts touch upon self-care, gratitude, goals, kindness and the art of learning when to let go. The cool thing about this journal is that its prompts are so easy and relaxing that it’s the most amazing, rewarding and calming way of ending a stressful day. Fill in a page of Calm The Chaos and you’ll go to bed with a clean conscience and weightless mind.

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3. The 52 Lists Project

This beautiful journal is very unique, offering a much more enthusiastic and interesting design than the others. The 52 Lists Project has more drawings, pretty photographs, cute sketches, quotes and tips, and it is divided by seasons, where each season features a beautiful cover. In terms of tips, each day you write ends with a tip on “how to take action”, where you are encouraged to make what you just wrote come true. With a much more scrapbook-y look and girly vibes, this is certainly the journal for you if you love lists and appealing interiors as well, rather than plain white pages with lines. The 52 Lists Project book is defined as a year of weekly journaling inspiration, where you’ll be able to create a total of 52 lists for every week of the year, helping you admire the beauty, joy, creativity and power that you already have as a person. It’s truly the best therapy ever! Plus, the prompts for the lists are quite interesting, fun and additive, such as: “Lists the obstacles that stand in the way of facing your dreams”.

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“What makes you happy is as unique as your fingertips,” reads the back of this amazing journal. And yes, that is completely true! This unique book not only has the most beautiful and cute design ever, but it’s also the most fulfilling and satisfying to fill up too! Featuring an array of cute sketches and pretty designs on each page, this journal is heaven on earth for list lovers. All you’ll do here is make lists, lists and more lists! But the catch is that you’ll be prompted to list very specific items, people and occasions that you would never think of, such as: “your best features”, “movies you watch again and again”, “one singularly unforgettable day in your life”, and many other interesting ideas. Once you start with one prompt, you won’t be able to stop! The prompts are so unique and so fun, that they become addictive in a good way, testing your ability to not complete the 99 things in a single seating. To add a touch of spice and fun, we recommend you open the book with your eyes closed, leaving it up to fate and destiny which prompt and list you’ll do each day! 

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Yes, we are aware that this is not your typical and traditional journal where you pour out your feelings or where you make endless satisfying lists. This is more like an exercise book for writers or those who enjoy writing once in a while. 642 THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT is precisely a book or journal where you’ll be prompted with 642 ideas to write about, some shorter and some longer, but all in all it’s a great way of putting in your daily writing dose. This book will get your creative juices flowing as fast as can be, and keep them that way. It is a collection of fun, weird, outrageous and thought-provoking prompts that will keep your pen, and mind, going. Open the book randomly and start writing, you’ll never get bored!


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Either if you prefer a cute design, crazy prompts, or the same questions every single day, there is a listography book for every list-loving person out there! You just have to make sure to choose the right oe, and you’ll be entertained for the rest of your life. Comment below on which one you think best fits you.

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