10 Charities You Should Donate To Right Now

Remember how bad we all thought 2016 was, all our favorite celebrities were dying like…

The Best Ways To Hide A Hickey

We’ve all been here. You’re fooling around with your significant other, and next thing you…

Fun Online Games to Play at Your Next Zoom Party

It’s probably gotten really lonely during quarantine and you just want to see your friends.…

10 Date Ideas To Do By Yourself

Date nights are fun because you get to go out, dress up, and have a…

Fun Games To Play On Zoom With Your Long Distance Friends

If you could lose weight running your mouth I would be a toothpick in a…

Music That Fits Your Zodiac Leaving You In The Best Mood All Day

For many of us, music is something much more than just a song we hear…

10 Ways Yoga Helps You And Your Love Life

Alright, we get it… you’re stressed and your love life isn’t doing all that well…

10 Health Trends That Have Been Debunked

There are so many health trends out there, but before Woody Allen was canceled he…

Why You Should Be Spray Tanning This Year

Spray tanning has been a popular way to get a bronzed glow without damaging your…

Why You Should Always Prioritize Self-Care

Some days can tend to be harder than others. Especially with everything that is going…