
Everything about Women. From most female friendly companies to how to ask for a raise to the Pink Tax. Come have a look what our writers have to say.

Today’s society is so consumed with following whatever the current trend and fashion look is, that they frown upon and judge those who go against the grain. As a result, you almost forget how to be yourself. Here's how not to care what others think!
5 Tips For How To Be Yourself And Stop Caring What Others Think

Not all of us are comfortable in our own skin. Sure, we’ll post a slew…

You've been looking forward to getting a job position. Then, you get back the news that you didn't get the position. Here are 10 ways to get your confidence back after professional reject
10 Ways To Get Your Confidence Back After Professional Rejection

You’ve been looking forward to getting a job position. You know what you’re going to wear, how…

ways for women to make more money
8 Ways For Women To Make More Money

Whether you’re a stay at home mom or work a full-time job, you may find…

Aly Raisman's Sports Illustrated swimsuit shoot is nothing short of inspiring for women everywhere. The famously risque magazine has given women the opportunity to speak out about their experiences as women by painting empowering messages on their bodies. Aly Raisman in Sports Illustrated is truly inspirational!
Aly Raisman’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Shoot Is Sending A Powerful Message

Sport’s Illustrated’s famous Swimsuit Issue always makes headlines for its risque photos and celebrity engagement. …

We all develop our own preconceived notions and create our own definitions. These definitions are not always as accurate as we think. Read this kind review that answers what it means to be a feminist.
What It Means To Be A Feminist: A Patient Review

As humans, we have a tendency to create our own definitions. These definitions are not…

The 2018 Women's March is all about #PowerToThePolls. Here is everything you need to know about the 2018 Women's March organization and where the nearest Women's March is by you!
The 2018 Women’s March: Power To The Polls

One year ago nearly 5 million people in 600 cities protested cultural issues ranging from…

Here is your Girl Scout cookies flavors list and why it’s so important to buy them – aside from being the f*cking bomb. Girl Scout cookie season is almost here and I couldn’t be any more excited! Girl Scout cookies have been around for ages.
A Girl Scout Cookies Flavors List And Why To Buy Them

Listen up – Girl Scout cookie season is almost here and I couldn’t be any…

There is one thing I believe beneficial for helping you achieve success. Here is my one tip for helping you reach your goals. The Ultimate Hack For Achieving Success Start Small Sometimes all it takes is to not get overwhelmed by the end goal.
The Number One Hack To Help You Achieve Success

There is one thing I believe beneficial for helping you achieve success. Here is my…

Everyone makes similar new years resolutions: work out more, eat better, be more organized, etc. All of these goals center around being a better version of yourself, so instead of focusing on one point, it can be easier to take a more holistic approach to self improvement.
10 New Years Resolutions For Self Improvement

Everyone makes similar new years resolutions: work out more, eat better, be more organized, etc.…

Hollywood is preparing for the golden globe awards this Sunday, unveiling their Time's Up movement. This anti-harassment plan is to stand up for women in the workplace by having actresses, directors, and produces alike all make a statement by wearing black to the show.
The Time’s Up Movement: Hollywood’s Anti-Harassment Plan

An outbreak of sexual harassment cases in 2017 caused quite a stir in the media…