A woman's purse carries all of her daily life essentials with her everywhere she goes. Purses serve as mini treasure…
So the weather is finally beginning to cool down, and you no longer have to worry about third-degree burns every…
Treating yourself is super important! Having some "me time" is important for connecting to yourself and for paying attention to…
We all wish we had the time to improve the quality of our life, to not only improve our physical…
As much as I love the summer weather, it never ceases to amaze me when Autumn comes around. I always…
Fall is one of the most anticipated seasons, because of its cooler temperatures (depending on where you live), beauty, and…
Summer is here and that means relaxing pool days, cute outfits, and amazing BBQ.However, if it is your turn to…
One of my favourite things to do in the summertime is to read, especially if it involves laying under the…
Tired of seeing people on TV or online that obviously have their lives together? WIsh you could get that same…
If you're a functioning human who has the capability of passing those "captcha" tests you randomly see on the internet,…