25 Life Lessons We Learned From Clueless

From the fashion to the catch phrases, there’s no doubt we learned some life lessons from Clueless. This year is the 25 anniversary of this movie. We’d be totally buggin’ if we knew you had never seen it. So this weekend go ahead and binge watch it on Netflix.

1. Never Wear Mismatched Clothes

Within the first few minutes of Clueless, we learned one of the most important life lessons. We still follow this rule, all these years later! Never wear mismatched clothes. You can never have a fashion flop if your closet computer picks out all your outfits for you!

2. Don’t Let Yourself Be Pushed Around

Voice your opinions and stand up for yourself. Just because someone is older or more educated than you, don’t let them intimidate you. Know your worth! It’s possible, you can even teach them something that they don’t know.

3. Choose The Person, Not The Publicity In A Relationship

You should be with a person because you truly care for them. Not for what they can give you or how popular they are. You are dating the person, not their fan club. Dionne and Murray fight all the time for the drama of it, but when they are together without a crowd, you can see they really love each other!

4. If A Guy Dresses Better Than You, He Probably Roots For The Other Team

If your crush dresses better than you, it probably means he is rooting for the other team. He’s not interested in you, if you have perfectly applied makeup or flat hair. Nothing but friendship will come out of it, but not to fear! He’s likely to be a great shopping buddy and you can scope out the cute guys together.

5. Take Care Of Yourself, In Body And Mind

Remember when Cher is showing Tai how to work out during her transformation scenes? Then, we see the girls talking about what else they are going to work on that week! This is what we need to do as well. It’s all about taking care of yourself, body and mind. You need a balance in your life that includes health, but also opening up your mind to other things in your world.

6. It’s Good To Get Involved

If you have the time or the resources to volunteer, you should do it! You don’t have to spear head the entire campaign, but you can help in a small way. When it comes to volunteer events, it’s better to help even a little, then not at all. It takes a village to pull one off successfully.

7. Being Wealthy Doesn’t Make You A Good Person

Congrats, you or your family are wealthy. Does it give you the right to act however you want, even if it’s rude or abusive? Nope! Cher certainly told Elton off, when he tried to make a move on her. She would rather walk home then spend more time with him. She didn’t put up with his behavior and neither should you, if you’re ever in the same situation.

8. Always Spray Suede Shoes

This is one of those life lessons you learn in Fashion 101. Spray your suede shoes with a protector! If you have ever owned a pair before, you know that they stain, oh, so easily. Trust us, you will thank us later. Nobody likes stained shoes, it’s not a good look.

9. Have Someone You Can Always Call For Help

What are best friends or former step-brothers good for, if you can’t call them for help? You know they will always answer the phone, no matter what time it is. Normally, there’s no questions asked, but you might have to repay the favor at another time! Totally worth it, if you ask us.

10. Be True To Yourself

Cher and Dionne did a makeover on Tai, to somewhat benefit themselves. While Tai did seem to enjoy it, we see at the end of the movie she decides to do what really makes her happy. It took a while, but Tai eventually realized she had to stay true to herself! Same personality, but a better wardrobe.

11. Choose Your Friends Over Guys

When Cher knows Tai has a crush on Elton, she does everything she can to help make it work between them. Elton makes a move on Cher and she freaks out. Not only because she isn’t interested in him, but because she knows Tai is! This is loyalty,  pure and simple. Boys come and go, but friendship is forever!

12. Love Comes In All Shapes

Sometimes, it is right in front of your face and you don’t even know it. It could be a co-worker, friend or family member. Let us clarify, that ex-step brothers don’t count as family! If Paul Rudd was our ex step-brother, we would fall in love with him, too!

13. Always Do A Lap Around A Party

You normally go to a party to socialize with friends and to keep an eye on your crush. So, when you arrive at the party, you need to take a lap around to see what is going on. You don’t want to get stuck in the front room when your crush is in the back. Plus, it gives you a chance to scope out what everyone is wearing.

14. Consult Your SO Before Any Major Hair Changes

Communication is the key in any good relationship, so it would make sense to talk to your SO before you change your appearance. Not that you need permission, but so they are aware what you’re doing. This wasn’t the case when Murray shaved his head at a party. We would threaten to call Murray’s mother, too, .

15. Driving Can Be An Extreme Sport

If you do not have a license, you should not be driving! This is just common sense and one of the biggest life lessons. Cher and Dionne don’t seem to grasp this concept in the movie. They try to merge onto a highway (which is hard even if you know how to drive) and chaos erupts. With a lot of screaming and some defensive driving, they manage to pull over somewhere safe. A key takeaway life lesson, is to learn how to properly drive!

16. It’s Okay To Be Smart

We.Can’t.Emphasize.This.Enough. It’s okay to be smart! When Tai first attends the high school where Cher and Dionne attend, she can’t believe how elegantly everyone talks. Then later on, the girls plan to read a book a week, to keep their body balanced. Just because you are a blonde, doesn’t mean you can’t be intelligent!

17. Words Hurt

“You’re a virgin, who can’t drive”. While this might not be the meanest thing that is ever said to you, it can still hurt your feelings. It’s so important to watch what you say to someone, especially during anger. Even though you apologize, it still leaves the person you hurt with the memory.

See Also

18. You Should Always RSVP To A Party

This is as much about courtesy as it is one of those important life lessons. You should always respond to a party invitation! Now, we know that life happens and sometimes you lose track of time. However, it’s almost rude to show up somewhere when they weren’t expecting you. When someone hosts a party, they need to know who’s coming so they can plan accordingly.

19. Do Things For Others, Not Yourself

Throughout the movie, Cher takes on different “projects”. They include, setting up her two teachers with each other and transforming Tai into one of the popular girls. While these are commendable things to do, it’s not done out of the kindness of her heart. If you do want to help people, you should be doing it for their benefit, not yours. Remember, what goes around comes around.

20. Shopping Makes Everything Better

Need a new outfit, shopping is the answer. Feeling bad about something, shopping is the answer. This is something most women learn early in life, which leads us to one of our favorite life lessons! Shopping makes everything better, but remember to spend within your budget. It’s the fact that treating yourself to something new, can lift your spirits and make any situation seem better.

21. If You Like Someone, Who Cares What Others Think

From the moment they meet, Tai and Travis like each other. However, Tai can’t act on that attraction because Travis is not a part of the cool crowd. She apparently gets her happy ending with him as they are dating at the end of the movie. In real life, you shouldn’t care what others think of your SO, except for your parents. They have a little more knowledge and experience that you can benefit from. As long as your SO treats you respectfully, makes you happy and your parents agree, that’s all that really matters.

22. You’re Monthly Can Get You Out Of Tardies

While getting your monthly is not always the best experience, we learned there is one good thing about it. It lets you get away with being late for class! You shouldn’t take advantage of this fact, but if you were tardy because of your monthly, this is the card to play!

23. Have A Signature Look

If you’re going to have a signature look, make it a good one. Cher had her yellow plaid outfit. What can you come up with, that your friends and family will always associate you with? Maybe, you want red lips or hot pink nails.  What ever you choose, make it a memorable one!

24. You Can Be Friends With Someone Before You Date Them

The best relationships start out as friendships. Yes, this is true. Just take a look at Cher and Josh. True, they were step siblings for a while, but they were also friends. Josh worked his way out of the friend zone, to get to where he wanted to be with Cher. This is a life lesson that guys should keep in mind.

25. Ugh, As If

We’d be totally buggin’, if we knew you had never seen Clueless. It’s the 25th anniversary of this movie this year. Do you have anything better to do this weekend, than to binge watch it on Netflix? Whatever, you might enjoy it.

Which one of these life lessons from Clueless is your favorite? Is there a lesson you think we left off the list? Comment and share with us below!

Featured Image Source: pinterest
Kristen Skiera

Hi my name is Kristen and I am 26 years old. I went to Central Michigan University (Fire Up Chips!). I majored in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. After graduation, I worked for Macy's in a variety of positions. I love shopping until I drop and consider it my cardio! I've been lucky enough to travel quite a bit and hope to do more so in the future. I am an energetic, sassy and fun loving person who loves her family (dog), friends and donuts!

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