Life in the Real World

10 Fun Hobbies To Take Up During Quarantine

  If you’re feeling overwhelmingly bored during quarantine then maybe you could look for finding…

15 Breathable Face Masks For Summer

It is the time of the masks right now as people are trying to protect…

10 At Home Pride Celebration Ideas

June has been the designated LGBTQ+ Pride Month for about 50 years now in commemoration…

10 Ways to Spend Your Free Time in Quarantine

  Many of us having nothing but free time in quarantine these days. The widespread…

20 Reasons Why 2020 Has Sucked So Far

Almost everyone in the world will agree that for many different reasons, 2020 sucks. We…

How COVID-19 Has Affected Customers And How Grocery Store Employees Are Handling It

Every job has its perks: employee discount, advanced notice of sales, and incoming products. Sometimes…

How to Contribute to the Black Lives Matter Movement

The United States and even the world today are living through historic and monumental times…

10 Inspirational Quotes That Will Give You The Motivation You Need

Can we all agree that 2020 has been a complete disaster right from the start?…

10 Organizations That You Can Contribute To For #BLM

Times are changing, and it’s been a long time coming. However, change is hard and…

10 Weird Quarantine Time-Killers To Try When You’re Bored

Thanks to sheltering in, there are plenty of amusing quarantine time-killers brought to us by…