Life in the Real World

Rebranding, Not Just For Celebrities: Be Careful With Your Internet Presence

How Do You Want The World To See You? Can you Google yourself or are…

10 Things To Do While Sheltering In Place

It’s no secret that the last year been difficult for many people during this pandemic…

#SuccessfullyAdulting: 10 Dos And Don’ts

  Becoming an adult is like falling asleep… it starts off slow, then all at…

5 Things To Do To Challenge Your Brain During Quarantine

This pandemic has forced us all to remain indoors for quite some time now. It…

10 Things To Look Forward To In Life After The Pandemic Is Over

It’s not a secret that these past eight months have been frustrating for many people…

5 Affirmations to Start Your Day off Right

Life can be hard for anyone and everyone at times. Things, people, situations and other…

12 Productivity Habits To Work From Home

Productivity is hard to achieve when working from home, and during these unprecedented times, it’s…

10 Most Controversial Moments of 2020

In a nutshell, 2020 has sucked and been one hell of a train wreck that…

10 Ways To Start Learning About Your Self

Learning about yourself is a journey. To learn about who you are means you are…

8 Ways To Be A Good Person For Your Community

Being apart of our communities is more important than ever. It’s about caring for one…