Life in the Real World

Adulting is hard. That's something we all know. All of the signs listed here are the sure signs that you're probably entering the adult world!
You Know You’re Adulting When…

Adulting is hard. It’s never easy when you realise you have to grow up and…

From one girl who likes football to another, we understand the struggle of being the girl that's into sports. Here's some things football girls can understand.
8 Things You’ll Understand If You’re A Girl Who Likes Football

With so many women becoming passionate about sports, gone are the days where football is…

Working at a job I'm overqualified for has a lot of perks, believe it or not. Here's some reasons why being at a job like this isn't all bad!
I Work At A Job I’m Overqualified For And Here’s Why

This is a common scenario for graduates and those who were unemployed for a while,…

Having a bad week can totally throw you off. Here are some ways to help overcome those bad feelings and get your mojo back!
18 Ways To Get Your Mojo Back After Having A Bad Week

A bad week. It happens. You think that you’re off to a flying start and…

Coming out as LGBTQ+ can be hard and terrifying for some, but it helped improve my life for the better, and I couldn't be happier.
How Coming Out Changed My Life

Coming out can be terrifying. It gets better. A saying that we all have heard.…

Are you spending tons of money at the laundry mat and wasting a ton of time? Say no more, try out these hacks for doing laundry!
8 Hacks For Doing Laundry Every College Student Needs

It’s that time again. Heading to the laundry mat or washing your clothes at home?…

If you're looking for some ways to prank your s.o., we've got you covered. Try out some of these fun ideas to get your S.O. into some michief!
8 Adorable Ways To Prank Your S.O.

There are different ways to show you love someone (or really like them if you’re…

If you're wondering how to stay calm when you're in a tough situation that is triggering anxiety and anxious thoughts, here's some tips to remember!
How To Stay Calm When Life Happens

“It could always be worse”, these are words that your mom probably told you when…

The importance of failure is a key lesson to learn early on in your lifetime. Failure can teach you how great it feels when you finally succeed.
The Importance of Failure And Why It Makes You Stronger

Recently, one of the students I tutor came to me for help on an essay…

If you're looking to join the tiny house movement, then these are just SOME of the reasons as to how a small home can benefit you!
10 Reasons Why You Should Join the Tiny House Movement

Congratulations!—you have finished or you’re nearly done with college. Or maybe you’re a post-graduate living…