Life in the Real World

New Apartment Owner Tips And Tricks To Help You Get Settled

Becoming a new apartment owner can be stressful. Why wouldn’t it be? It is the…

10 Signs Your Boss Has A Type A Personality

According to, Type A Personality is defined as a “Temperament characterized by excessive ambition,…

Life-Changing Organizing Tips For Your Chaotic Life

Life always shows itself to be unpredictable, chaotic, and seemingly impossible to manage. However, implementing…

12 Workplace Stereotypes You Will Actually Run Into

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hile workplace stereotypes are unwanted in any job position, many individuals are still faced…

How To Manage Being In A Toxic Work Environment

A toxic work environment can be a tough thing to deal with, especially in these…

A College Student’s Guide To Political Awareness

If you’re a college freshman like me, 2020 will be your first time experiencing an…

Red Vs Blue- Divided We Fall

If you are like me, turning on the TV political news channels nowadays is like…

I Just Graduated From College. Now What?

If you’re sitting there reflecting back on your experience in college and now wondering where…

Why Making Lists Can Help You In Every Day Life

Do you have a habit of letting everything pile up and then feel overwhelmed by…

Tim Wise Speaks At FSU- A Lesson On Diversity, Culture, And Acceptance

This past week, I had the privilege of watching Tim Wise speak at FSU’s Ruby…