Life in the Real World

Rebranding, Not Just For Celebrities: Be Careful With Your Internet Presence

Rebranding, Not Just For Celebrities: Be Careful With Your Internet Presence

How Do You Want The World To See You? Can you Google yourself or are there too many hits to…

3 years ago

10 Things To Do While Sheltering In Place

It’s no secret that the last year been difficult for many people during this pandemic when staying safe and sheltering…

4 years ago

#SuccessfullyAdulting: 10 Dos And Don’ts

 Becoming an adult is like falling asleep... it starts off slow, then all at once boom! You are an adult…

4 years ago

5 Things To Do To Challenge Your Brain During Quarantine

This pandemic has forced us all to remain indoors for quite some time now. It was all fine and dandy…

4 years ago

10 Things To Look Forward To In Life After The Pandemic Is Over

It’s not a secret that these past eight months have been frustrating for many people during this pandemic. Here are…

4 years ago

5 Affirmations to Start Your Day off Right

Life can be hard for anyone and everyone at times. Things, people, situations and other factors can overwhelm us to…

4 years ago

12 Productivity Habits To Work From Home

Productivity is hard to achieve when working from home, and during these unprecedented times, it's important to find a balance…

4 years ago

10 Most Controversial Moments of 2020

In a nutshell, 2020 has sucked and been one hell of a train wreck that everyone would like to forget.2020…

4 years ago

10 Ways To Start Learning About Your Self

Learning about yourself is a journey. To learn about who you are means you are able to navigate through life…

4 years ago

8 Ways To Be A Good Person For Your Community

Being apart of our communities is more important than ever. It's about caring for one another and making the extra…

4 years ago