Life in the Real World

Top 10 Job Interview Tips That’ll Land You The Job

Top 10 Job Interview Tips That’ll Land You The Job

You landed an interview for your dream job at your dream company. YAY! But, now what? It’s time to prepare…

6 years ago

The 4 Types Of Employers You’ll Probably Work For In Your Lifetime

Having a job is hard work! We have all had a job before, whether in the form of a part…

6 years ago

10 Signs You’ve Chosen The Wrong Degree To Study

Choosing the right university degree can be quite tough, especially when you're constantly pressured to make important life choices just…

6 years ago

10 Gifs That Accurately Describe Adulthood

Let’s face it! Being an adult can be hard. Most of us don’t know what is happening half the time…

6 years ago

10 Signs Your Coworker Does Not Like You

We all have to deal with coworkers who either like or dislike us. Having a job or career is the…

6 years ago

Why Our Generation Needs To Understand The Importance of Voting

As a young person coming into voting age, the idea of taking part in an election can seem daunting and…

6 years ago

Small Ways To Make Your Day More Positive

Make your day more positive! Everyone in life has a main goal of being happy and positive. However, it isn’t…

6 years ago

I’ll Tell You The Truth: Post Grad Sucks

Graduating from college is an amazing accomplishment and milestone. We’re all happy after overcoming sleepless nights and numerous annoying group…

6 years ago

Tips For Job Hunting After College

You did it! You’ve graduated college. You are ready to take on the world. The only problem is that you…

6 years ago

8 Things All Tall Girls Can Relate To

Standing at 5’8’’, I’m pretty tall. And rest assured it’s been pointed out enough times so that I never forget…

6 years ago