Life in the Real World

New Apartment Owner Tips And Tricks To Help You Get Settled

New Apartment Owner Tips And Tricks To Help You Get Settled

Becoming a new apartment owner can be stressful. Why wouldn't it be? It is the first time you are either…

5 years ago

10 Signs Your Boss Has A Type A Personality

According to, Type A Personality is defined as a "Temperament characterized by excessive ambition, aggression, competitiveness, drive, impatience, need…

5 years ago

Life-Changing Organizing Tips For Your Chaotic Life

Life always shows itself to be unpredictable, chaotic, and seemingly impossible to manage. However, implementing a few useful organizing tips…

5 years ago

12 Workplace Stereotypes You Will Actually Run Into

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hile workplace stereotypes are unwanted in any job position, many individuals are still faced with the sad reality of…

5 years ago

How To Manage Being In A Toxic Work Environment

A toxic work environment can be a tough thing to deal with, especially in these passive-aggressive times. Whether you’re apart…

5 years ago

A College Student’s Guide To Political Awareness

If you're a college freshman like me, 2020 will be your first time experiencing an election year as an eligible…

5 years ago

Red Vs Blue- Divided We Fall

If you are like me, turning on the TV political news channels nowadays is like watching a car accident happen…

5 years ago

I Just Graduated From College. Now What?

If you’re sitting there reflecting back on your experience in college and now wondering where you go from here- don’t…

5 years ago

Why Making Lists Can Help You In Every Day Life

Do you have a habit of letting everything pile up and then feel overwhelmed by it all? You can make…

5 years ago

Tim Wise Speaks At FSU- A Lesson On Diversity, Culture, And Acceptance

This past week, I had the privilege of watching Tim Wise speak at FSU's Ruby Diamond Hall. Tim Wise, a…

5 years ago