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12 Life Hacks For Clothes That Will Save You A LOT Of Money

12 Life Hacks For Clothes That Will Save You A LOT Of Money

Clothing can be pretty expensive. However, with these life hacks for clothes you won't have to replace that white pair of shoes you own every couple of months! These tips will make your closet last, and keep your clothes in good condition!

Clothes can get pretty expensive, especially if you’re on a budget. Who here has ever needed to buy a new item of clothing because something ripped? Well, we’re all guilty! To save you from spending a lot of money, here are a few life hacks for clothes that EVERYONE should know. This will save you money in the long run, especially if you’re on a budget.

1. For jean’s that won’t button or are coming loose

If your jeans won’t button, or if the button keeps coming loose, all you need is an elastic band. Use it to tie your zipper and button together so it won’t come lose. Whenever you need to go to the bathroom, all you have to do is take the elastic band off and put it back on when you’re ready!

2. Keeping white shoes clean or white

If you’re having trouble keeping your shoes clean, no need to buy a new pair! Instead, use laundry detergent, baking soda and extra toothbrush to clean out stains and to keep them white! Why spend $50 on a new pair of shoes when you have baking soda to keep them white and clean?


3. Shoes too small?

No worries! Put ice in a plastic bag and stick them in the toe part of your heels, then keep them in the freezer over night! This trick will widen your shoes so that you can fit them. This is definitely one of the best life hacks for clothes that you need to try!

4. Bleach stains no more!

If you have a bleach stain on your shirt, use a sharpie to cover it up! Use a different sharpie for whatever color your shirt is. Bleach stain on a yellow shirt? Use a yellow sharpie. Bleach stain on a black shirt? Use a black sharpie!

5. Spilled wine on your cotton shirt?

No need to cry! Use paper towels and club soda to remove the stain. You won’t have to buy a new shirt or throw it out because club soda will do the trick!


6. Tired of losing your hoodie string in your hoodie?

Fear not! Cut up a small piece of straw and stick your hoodie string in it so that you won’t ever have to lose it in your hoodie again!

7. Lipstick stain on your shirt?

No problem! Use hairspray to spray on the designated area. Dab it with your finger or a paper towel and then, throw it in the washer. It’ll come out brand new!

8. Thread or small holes in your tights/leggings?

No worries! Use clear nail polish over the runs/holes and this will sure to protect them from getting even bigger. So don’t throw a pair of tights away because they look like they’re about to rip! Use nail polish to prevent it from getting bigger!


9. Armpit odors?

All you have to do is spray a little lemon juice on the area and the odor will disappear! You don’t need to throw it away! You can still keep wearing the shirt as long as you spray a little lemon juice over the area. And you’re good to go!

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10. Faded jeans

Tired of your jeans fading? Sick of the color not lasting? Say no more. When you’re washing your clothes in the washer, throw some distilled vinegar in the cycle and this will prevent your jeans from fading to a different color! No need to buy a new pair of jeans.


11. Wrinkled collar?

Don’t even stress about it! Use a hair straightener to “straighten it” from getting wrinkled. This is perfect if you don’t have an ironer or if you can’t find yours. Just use a straightener and say no more to these wrinkles!

12. No more space in your closet?

No worries! Use soda cans as a way to double up on hangers. This is definitely one of the best life hacks for clothes since it maximizes your closet space!

Before you spend more money clothes, give these life hacks for clothes a chance. You will save so much money in the long run!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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