
32 Life Hacks Every Girl Needs to Know

Looking for some tips and tricks to living a happier, healthier life? Want suggestions on how to turn some everyday items into essential life hacks? Here are 32 life hacks every girl needs to know by heart!

Beauty Hacks:

1. Use Vaseline for quick fixes!

  • Eyelash conditioner
  • Substitute for lip gloss
  • Rub on split ends between haircuts
  • Mix with lipsticks to make a creme blush for cheeks
  • Rub over your teeth to prevent lipstick stains
  • Place on pulse points before applying perfume in order to make your perfume last longer
  • Massage into elbows and heels to massage cracked skin

2. Uses for apple cider vinegar:

  • Rinse your hair with it to remove shampoo buildup and to prevent dandruff
  • Use as a skin toner to treat and prevent acne
  • Use as a detangler
  • Apply to dark spots on face to correct hyper-pigmentation
  • Dab some on warts or skin tags, cover with a band-aid, and watch them disappear (repeat for a week).

3. Uses for coconut oil:

  • Use as shaving cream for silky smooth legs
  • Deodorize your body by rubbing it all over. It has antibacterial properties
  • Rub it into your nails and cuticles to strengthen them
  • Use it to soothe eczema
  • It also makes a great lip gloss

4. Uses for lemons and acidic fruits:

  • Lemons can be cut in half and rubbed on elbows to get rid of discoloration
  • Lemon makes a great skin toner and will lighten up age spots
  • Mix lemon juice with equal parts water and spray on hair for free highlights
  • Use a slice of pineapple as a loofah in the shower
  • Apples are filled with pectin, which fights acne
  • Mash up a strawberry with baking soda and use it to whiten your teeth

5. Uses for eggs:

  • Spread egg whites under your eyes, let dry to remove puffy bags
  • Have oily skin? An egg-white mask is a great remedy
  • Use a full egg to make a hair mask in order to repair damage

6. Warm up your lash curler with a blow-dryer for a curl that lasts.

7. Use olive oil for a natural eye makeup remover.

8. Apply perfume behind ears, inside wrists, base of throat, inside elbows, and behind the knees.

Health Hacks:

9. What to add to your bath:

  • Green tea = Anti Aging Detox Balance
  • Honey = Softer and Smoother Skin
  • Jell-O = Skin Hydration, Mood Elevation, and Softer Skin
  • Milk = Sunburn Relief
  • Salt = Pain Relief, Reduced Inflammation, and Relaxation
  • Wheat = Softer Skin and Itch Relief
  • Lavender = Stress Relief, Reduced Inflammation, and Muscle Relief
  • Lemons = Refreshed Skin, Smaller Pores, Energize
  • Baking Soda = Relief of Irritation
  • Cinnamon Sticks = Cure for Rashes

10. Eat Cashews

…to help prevent Bacteria that causes tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and Leprosy.

11. Sex is good for your physical health.

It can also unblock a stuffy nose, help combat asthma, and relieve symptoms of hay fever.

12. Replace the butter in almost every recipe with coconut oil.

It has a rich, light sweet taste, and it’s super healthy.

13. Eat a spoonful of peanut butter before bed

It can help you burn more calories while you sleep!

14. Recipe for relaxation:

Exhale completely, inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale for eight seconds.

15. Eat an orange before working out.

Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it also prevents your muscles from getting sore.

16. Turn the shower to cold before you get out.

It closes your pores and makes you less likely to get acne.

School Hacks:

17. How to write long papers:

It’s a formula. If you have an eight page paper due, you need to write about 16 paragraphs. If you write an intro paragraph and a conclusion that leaves you 14 body paragraphs. Write down 14 ideas that support your thesis, rearrange them to make a natural thought process and before you know it, you have an 8 page well-structured essay

18. You can get most answers to math assignments online.

Just type in the name of the textbook and then “answers”

19. Never buy a textbook again!

Here are 10 websites where you can them for free:


20. Chew gum when you study.

If you chew gum when you study a subject and then chew the same flavor when you take the test, it can help you remember.

21. Eat Peppermint while studying.

It has been proven that peppermint stimulates brain activity and makes you concentrate better.

Money Hacks:

22. Fill up a 2 liter bottle with dimes.

Together, that’s about $500.


Tells you the lowest possible gas prices along your route.


Sell your study notes for some extra cash!

See Also


You can put in everything on your shopping list and it will give you coupons for each item.

26. Never buy another book again! lets yous swap your old books with other people online.

27. Amazon’s awesome price policy.

If you bought something on Amazon and the price goes down within 30 days you can email them and they will send you the difference.

Fun Hacks:

28. Make a password into a goal of yours.

That way, you’re constantly reminded of it.


If you enter what ingredients you have it will tell you all the meals you can make and how to make them

30. Go the speed limit…

In areas with lots of stoplights, going exactly the speed limit will help you hit more green lights

31. This secret vending machine code.

Find vending machine, enter code: 432112311, immediately push and hold the coin return button, change will fall into the tray (I don’t know if this actually works, but it’s something fun to try).

32. Paint primary colors on fan blades to get a rainbow fan.

Do you know of any other helpful life hacks every girl should know? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image:
Alexis Farrington

Alexis Farrington wishes she could "bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy."

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