Life After College And What It Means

To many, life after college isn’t thought about, or life after college is all most can think about. It’s a time where you don’t know what to do, even if you think you’re ready for the real world you might not actually be ready at all.
One thing that many people tend to forget is that life after college isn’t as easy as many seem to make it. It can involve a lot of preplanning, obstacles, ups and downs and even a lot of failures. To those who do know exactly what they are to do after college, and how they are to do it they deserve a round of applause and a pat on the back because it is not that common, nor is it that easy to do as well.
Many times life after college can entail a lot for you, but it’s a journey that you should love and learn from.
When it comes to life after college, you have to explore! That means don’t just look at nearby towns or the town you’re from when it comes to starting a life and finding a job in your career field.
You need to be able to explore! A job you found in your hometown pay can be significantly less than in a state that is a few hundred to a couple thousand miles away. If you are able to find something close to your home town, good for you, but for others it may not be possible. One mistake that many tend to do is become too comfortable where they’re at. A lot of reasons why life after college may be difficult for some is because they don’t want to explore their options. There are thousands of job opportunities out there that you could be looking for, but staying in the same area could deter you from that. Yes, you may need to sacrifice a few things such as friends, family and maybe even a relationship, but if this is something that is extremely important to you, then you have to make those sacrifices in life, and those around you should be able to understand that.
You may get a sense of uneasiness because you may be used to life being structured. Life after college is not structured, but this may be what you truly need in order to thrive.
Accepting Failures
Failure is a fear that many want to avoid, but you must be able to accept failure in all possibilities. The truth is, you have to fail in order to succeed. There is no such thing as ‘never failing’. That’d be quite ludicrous if there was. If no one ever failed in life, then there would be thousands if not millions of millionaires, but there isn’t. That is exactly what life after college is. Failure after failure, this may not mean that you will fail for years, but it may take a while for you to get where you actually want to be, but the key thing to remember is that you must persevere.
Failure can make you want to give up, but that is the last thing you would want to do with life after college. If you didn’t give up during the eight semesters or more during your college years, then why would you want to give up right after you graduate? That doesn’t make any sense.
If anything, you should be glad to fail because that is what is going to fuel your ambition, and make you work harder. You have to understand that we live in a world of competition, with hundreds of people applying for your same position, so if you think that there is going to be a red carpet waiting for you, then think again, and with the pandemic still going on it may be a little bit harder to land that dream job.
Networking! Networking! NETWORKING!
If it’s one thing you should learn for life after college, it is to network! I implore you to network before, during, and most importantly after college because you never know when you are going to need it. Networking may help you get a leg in the door whenever you may need it, and the right networking may get you the job you want altogether. With social media being a big thing, there is no reason why you should not be using it to your advantage.
LinkedIn can be considered one of the best apps to have when it comes to networking because you will meet people from all over and it even shows if an alumni from your school has worked at jobs that you are planning on applying to.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Stop thinking you’re doing it all wrong. Your path doesn’t look like anybody else’s because it can’t, it shouldn’t, and it won’t – Eleanor Brownn
Why do you think you must compare your life to others? It is quite foolish to do so because no one goes through the same obstacles in life, and that is crucial to remind yourself of life after college. You don’t know what others have went through or are currently going through behind the scenes to get where they’re at today, and neither do they understand or know of what you went through to get where you’re at.
Comparing your success and accomplishments to others are going to set you back from your real goals because then you are going to rush everything you’ve been working so hard for and you might end up messing up which can cost you a lot. Although I mentioned social media being your biggest asset in helping you find great connections and should be used, it can also tear you apart. Social media is one of your biggest obstacles because it can be used as a bragging tool, so why it may be important to use it for everyday life in finding the right connections to set you for life, you should also use it