10 Letter Writing Ideas For Stationary Freaks

Letter writing is a perfect way to stay connected with your people whether they are across the world or down the street. Honestly, stationary can quickly become an obsession and is a great outlet for creative-minded people. Rather than sending a quick text, send a letter that you wrote. Receiving mail is very exciting and writing a physical letter that someone wrote is a wonderful way to connect. Get creative with your snail mail and enjoy these unique letter writing ideas.
1) Decorate The Envelope
Before you even begin letter writing, consider decorating the outside of your envelope! This is another medium that you can use to get creative with. As long as your clearly provide the essentials for the mailing company to read, decorate the envelope around your addresses and stamps. On way that people have decorated the outside is by using acrylic paint. You can create a color pattern or tasteful painting on your envelope to give it another artistic false. Markers and colored pen are another good option. A tip is to stay away from writing in pencil because mail often travels in many weather conditions and you don’t want the addresses to become illegible and your design to become ruined. A decorated envelope sitting in your mailbox is exciting because it is the first thing you see!
2) Add Confetti
Yes. Do it. This is a fun little party in a card and it is a lovely surprise to hide.
3) Photos
Print out some old photos of you, you and your friend, or a really cool place you’ve been to. This is a cool little treat to add in a card and it is easy to slip in to your envelope. This is a way to make your letter writing more personal and it’s a meaningful touch! Write a quick note on the back of the photo. The note can be inspirational, or an account of the memory that was captured in that picture. I love sending photos that I have take from traveling around the world. Is there picture that reminds you of the person you’re writing to? Add it!
4) Write On Unusual Mediums
This one is fun and I always find myself doing this. One of the best mediums to write on other than paper are magazine cut outs. Do you have a magazine aesthetic that you love? Do you accidentally hoard magazines or sign up for too many subscriptions? This is a fun way to reuse paper! You can also write on paint swatches, index cards, book pages, maps…
5) Slip In Stickers
The only criteria that you need to keep in mind is that you need to keep your contents flat. So candy, jewelry, and other bulkier things will most likely be cut out of your letter or not sent. Stickers are a perfect flat treasure to slip into your envelope. You can get free stickers by email different companies to have some stickers to promote their companies. Another pace to get sticks is on Redbubble! Another fun gift that is flat are rub-on tattoos! You can order an entire pack of tattoos online!
6) Art
Create something for your letter. Water color paintings and other smaller pieces of art are wonderful additions to your letter! Receiving art from someone you care about is special in itself. It is a personalized way to show someone that they inspire you to create something. If you don’t have access to watercolors, what else can you use? Sketching? Pen experimental drawings? I’m becoming inspired just thinking about it!
7) Tea!
This is a new trend that you have to get on board with. In the stationary world, people are constantly trying to discover different ways to send flat gifts. It’s a constant struggle. Well, good news is that tea in a bag is one way to send something special to someone! If you have found a tea that you particularly love and want to share, add it in your letter! This usually is not a problem in the mail system and it is a fun way to pass food through the mail! Another thing that you can send that is similar to the tea bag are seed packets! Have them grow something. This is a wonderful letter gift and a joy to receive. Seed packets and tea bags both cost very little too.
8) Stamps
Okay, let’s talk stamps! You can totally go the traditional route and send a stereotypical stamp on your envelope. But, why not spice up your stamp and make it a cool and aesthetic in it’s own way? There are a lot of vintage stamps that are available and still functional as actual stamps. There are also stamps that have the most beautiful art on them making it a beautiful addition to your envelope. Also, sending stamps to your person also is a great way to get them to send you a letter back.
9) Letter Inspiration
The letter itself can be full of creative magic as well. One way to do this is by making drawings and sketches and filling them in with colors! How can you tell a story with more than just words? Can you make your letter interactive and add a game of tic-tac-toe to send back and forth? Magazine cut outs and prints can make a nice addition in your letters! Go for it!
10) Nature
Did you find a small leaf or flower that would look gorgeous taped into your letter? This is such a vibe and totally a cool way to add different materials to your stationary master pieces. You can even tape different parts of nature on the envelope with packaging tape for a little extra flare! Become in touch with your love for the outdoors and have fun using the natural materials for your very own stationary creations.
There are so many ways to get creative with your letter writing. Let us know your letter writing ideas in the the comments!
Featured image source: https://www.katemurrayphotography.com
Julia grew up in a town just outside of Chicago. She currently lives in Memphis, Tennessee where she is a junior Creative Writing and Literature major at Rhodes College. Julia prefers to spend her days outside writing stories for others to find joy in. Other than story-telling, you will find Julia running on her college track and field team and traveling the world.