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8 Lessons Learned By Clare Crawley From The Bachelorette

8 Lessons Learned By Clare Crawley From The Bachelorette

Watching the Bachelorette has become a real-life tradition for many of us. It’s exciting, yet full of drama to say the least. Although 2020 has been full of surprises, one surprise that shocked us all was when Clare Crawley entered the Bachelorette world. Here are 8 lessons learned by Clare from the Bachelorette. 

1. Figure out who you are first 

Clare has been part of the Bachelor family for a while now. It’s been a roller coaster for her, but she wouldn’t be able to be in the position that she is in now if wasn’t for the time she had spent understanding herself and what she wants.

Knowing exactly what you want makes it a lot easier to find the person that you are looking for. What makes the whole experience even better is that knowing what you want out of a relationship is actually extremely sexy for others to see. If you can’t make a choice of who you want to be, how do you expect others to see you as? YOU get to decide who you want to be! So think about it wisely!


2. Date, date, date

Like we said before, Clare had to DATE to get to where she is now. Becoming the bachelorette was a great opportunity for Clare to do just that, which was to date more men. If you don’t date, you can’t expect your prince charming to come knocking on your door! It just doesn’t happen like that. It takes time to figure out what type of person you want in your life. 


3. Be picky.

Be realllllly picky. Many of us want love. Real love. And many of us fall in the emotional trap of where you settle for what we think is good enough, but in reality, it actually isn’t. Finding a partner that wants and shows the same things as you will benefit you in the long run.

If you are a healthy person that wakes up at 5am every day and your partner is just going to bed around 3am because they are a bartender, it may be hard to compromise schedules that fit your liking. I’m not saying that things wouldn’t work out, but they might go a bit more smoothly if you really analyze the relationships you create with others. Clare has shown us on the bachelorette that she was very picky. She knew exactly who and what she wanted and no one was going to stand in her way. She was strong in her choices and was honest about them. 


4. Stand up for yourself

Clare has been known to speak her mind. She never let anyone take advantage of who she was and what she stands for. Her actions don’t always correlate with others and to be honest, that’s okay, but to be firm in who you are is what people are attracted to. It isn’t so much about what you believe in, rather than who you want to be seen as. Letting others knock you down for being you is not the way to go and on the bachelorette, Clare shows everyone who was watching that if you don’t like her for her, then you can go elsewhere! Let’s go, Clare!

5. Love happens, don’t apologize for what you can’t control

During the dramatic events of the bachelorette, Clare finds out that she is in love with Dale. I mean who wouldn’t, he’s drop-dead HOT HOT HOT, but most importantly their connection is what made them fall head over heels for one another. The great thing about love is that when you know you have met the one, you just truly know. There is no preparation for this moment, you will just know.


Clare felt very bad for a moment during the show because she didn’t want to hurt the other men’s feelings. She wasn’t expecting to fall in love so fast but realized that she did. She went with her gut and decided that she wanted to be with Dale and he also wanted the same thing as her. She called off the show. Although it may seem crazy,  she knew in her heart that this is exactly what she wanted. She has dated so many people and she felt in her heart this was the one. Never apologize for your gut feeling. It may be crazy, but usually, there is always something special about sticking with it. 

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6. Admit your feelings

I think one of the greatest things Clare did, was, to be honest about how she felt about Dale. Even though it hurt many of the other men, she was honest with herself. People would rather have someone be completely honest with who they are than to be tricked into believing in something that wasn’t true. In this world, we sometimes forget that being honest is the best policy and all of us should learn from this lesson. These men may be mad at first, but they will thank her in the long run for ending things faster than dragging them and their feelings along for the show. 

7. Be You

Clare showed that being authentically you will get you to where you want to be. People love you and hate you no matter your opinion so might as well be your best version of yourself. Have fun in life, but also don’t be so perfect. Love every part of you, the good, the bad the ugly. Life is a work in progress and when it comes down to it there is someone for everyone so stop trying to be someone else! Love yourself wholeheartedly!


8. Enjoy the Journey

Impatience is one of those feelings we all tend to feel at one point or another. With love, patience and love can go hand in hand. You can feel that you have waited for love for so long, or feel you will never have it, but it’s part of the journey. There will be periods in life where you are wondering if someone will ever come but you have to understand that you are learning a lesson of patience during those times.

Sometimes you need to learn about patience, or appreciation, or even how to love yourself more so that you can love others even better. Life is weird like that, but the best thing you can do is to work hard at loving everything about yourself and becoming your best version of yourself. By doing that, there will always be love that follows. 


What’s your favorite thing about Clare? Comment down below to let us know!

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