Categories: Lifestyle

12 Leisure Activities To Do On A Rainy Sunday In The Spring

Leisure activities are probably most people’s favorite activities. They’re laid back and don’t require much energy. They’re the types of activities you do whenever you had a long week and just want to relax, but not be bored. However, the perfect time of year for leisure activities is the spring! Not just any spring day, but those rainy Sundays that make you just want to relax and enjoy the last day of the weekend. With that being said, here are 12 leisure activities to do on a rainy Sunday in spring: 

1. Read a book

If you’re in college, reading a book on a Sunday as a leisure activity is probably the last thing you want to do. However, we all seriously have been losing our love for reading and need to get it back. Nobody says you have to finish the book, but reading on a rainy day just gives you all the right feelings. After all, it is like watching a movie in your head.

2. Do a puzzle

Puzzles are underappreciated. It might be because the thought of them seems a bit boring, but you can make it fun. Have some snacks and listen to music! Don’t do too crazy of  a puzzle, you’re trying to enjoy yourself, not frustrate yourself! 

3. Binge watch Netflix or Hulu

The most typical leisure activity is binge watching Netflix or Hulu. There is a reason for that. It’s extremely entertaining and you can do it while laying down all snuggled up in fuzzy socks. Instead of binge watching your favorite shows for the 19th time, start a new show! Try out a show that you’ve been wanting to watch, or even one that you haven’t heard much about! 

4. Play video games

The video games I’m talking about are not gory violent games, I’m talking about fun active games. Wii games specifically. The Wii, in my opinion, should still be super popular. What is a better leisure activity than playing Wii bowling in the comfort of your living room!? Also, you can kind of use it as a form of exercise, which is a plus!

5. Write poetry

I get it, we aren’t all poets. However, we all do know how to rhyme, hopefully. You don’t need to write something super deep and meaningful for it to count as poetry. You can seriously have some fun with it. You can be arsty farsty if you’d like, but you can also write a kooky poem about pants if you wanted. You can express yourself all you want with this leisure activity. 

6. Paint

We don’t all have paint supplies laying around, but the people that do should take full advantage on a rainy spring day. You don’t need to be good at painting to paint. You don’t need to paint a scene or an object, you can literally just trow colors onto your canvas and call it a day!

7. Draw

So since not everyone has paint supplies laying around, drawing is something literally everyone can do. All you need is a pencil and paper! It doesn’t even need to be actual paper, just something that you can draw on. Once again, you don’t need to be good at something to do it. So, you don’t need to be good at drawing to draw! Also, don’t underestimate your artistic abilities, maybe this can become a hobby!

8. Make friendship bracelets for all your friends

Take this leisurely rainy Sunday to make some friendship bracelets for all your friends. They will absolutely love the kind gesture. They don’t have to be wearable, it’s the though that counts. Make them as colorful and crazy as you’d like. Put some funny phrases on them to make your friends laugh!

9. Make a scrapbook

Making a scrapbook is a great leisure activity if you want to get a little nostalgic. It’s always fun to go through old photos. It doesn’t need to be filled with recent photos, just any photos you can round up. They make looking back at memories even more fun. It’s also a great way to showcase certain memorable moments.

See Also

10. Play board games

You really can’t play board games alone unless you’re kind of deranged, so if you have some friends over on your rainy day, play board games! Bust out those games from your game cabinet that hasn’t been opened for months, blow the dust off, and get to playing! You guys will all have a blast and forget about the gross weather.

11. Bake cookies

You don’t need to challenge yourself and make cookies from scratch, boxed cookies are just as great! You also don’t need to be a chef to accomplish this. Just follow the directions, eat some of the dough every once and awhile even though they say not to, and let your house fill up with the aroma of warm cookies. You’ll definitely be thanking yourself when you have left over cookies for a midnight snack. 

12. Watch old movies

I don’t mean old movies as in moves from like the 1930’s, I mean old movies that you have the DVD versions of. We all watch our movies on streaming services these days and forget about all the great movies we have on DVD. You can give those DVDs some loving on a rainy Sunday. I’m sure they miss being the most advanced technology at the time. 

Your rainy spring Sunday doesn’t have to be boring. You also don’t have to leave the house if you don’t want to. There are plenty of leisure activities for you to do in the comfort of your home. You don’t need to lay around bored all day, unless that’s something you consider as a fun leisure activity. I hope this list of leisure activities inspires you to take advantage of rainy Sundays. Don’t just waste it away on social media, actually do something! Even if that something involves Netflix, it’s still better than just being on your phone.

How do you like to spend your rainy days during the spring?

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Tags: lifestyle
Joy Swasy

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