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What You Should Know Before Mississippi State Orientation

What You Should Know Before Mississippi State Orientation

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At SMU

1. Don’t forget to pay the deposit.

This is very important, because if you do not pay the deposit, you cannot go to Mississippi State orientation! So make sure to do this!

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2. Sign up your guardian (if applicable).

When I went through orientation, both of my parents wanted to come and experience it with me. Guests also have to be paid for and registered, so make sure that it’s done before you show up to orientation and your parents have to wait in the car all day.


3. Wear something comfortable.

Ladies and gents, I know all of us want to look good for orientation, as it is our first time meeting the people of our class. It’s easy to look good and comfortable at the same time. You will be walking A LOT, so please wear an appropriate outfit. Also, check the weather and dress accordingly.


4. Don’t be afraid to say hi.

It’s terrifying to go up to someone you don’t know and say hello, but everyone is just as afraid as the next person. So just take the leap and introduce yourself. Who knows? That person could be your next BFF.

5. Ask questions.

It is truly important to ask questions during orientation. If you have a question, ask it. Odds are, most of your group mates have the same question, but are too afraid to ask it.


6. Go to all the booths.

The booths are there to answer your questions and give you information. It’s worth hearing what new information you can gain about the university.


7. Get your ID.

Orientation is when you take your ID picture. Tip: take off the lanyard. The picture is used for all four years, and you don’t want to look like a freshman for all of them.

8. Ask about housing.

Housing is the most important topic at orientation. By this time, most of you have received your housing assignments. Tour your dorm!

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9. Meet new people.

Sure, orientation will be awkward at points, because the only people you know are your parents. Trust me, you will meet a ton of people! Just say hi and introduce yourself.

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10. Start a GroupMe.

Groupme is a great way to keep in touch with the people you meet at orientation! Start one for your dorm, or just your friend group!

11. Keep in touch.

We have all summer before we move in, so keep in touch with your new friends!

Do you have any more questions about Mississippi State Orientation? Let us know in the comments!
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