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20 Things To Know About Freshman Year At FSU

20 Things To Know About Freshman Year At FSU

Here are the things you need to know about freshman year at FSU. At Florida State University Freshman have a great time. Here is the low down about FSU.

Here is your 411 on freshman year at FSU. As a freshman at Florida State University, here are all the in’s and out’s you need to know! Check it out!

1.) You will get more homesick than you originally thought.

No matter how busy you keep yourself.

2.) It’s actually so hot.

Even if you’re used to the Florida heat, be prepared to sweat a TON.


3.) No matter where you go, you’re always going to see people wearing their sorority or fraternity’s letters.

I’m guilty of this too.

4.) The Leach is the most intimidating place to work out on campus.

There are hot guys EVERYWHERE. It’s hard not to get intimidated.

5.) The Union restaurants actually have pretty good food, and if you have a meal plan with the VIP package attached, you can use one of your swipes per day at their options!

I love getting smoothies or burrito bowls.


6.) Sorority recruitment is the hardest week ever.

No, like seriously. No matter how many times people tell you how hard it is, it’s 1000x harder.

7.) If you’re in a sorority, fraternity pledging is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

Free rides whenever you want? Constantly being serenaded by boys in funny costumes at meals? Nothing beats it. Seriously.

8.) You will get caught in at least one bad rainstorm where your umbrella just doesn’t do anything.

Don’t be embarrassed if you show up to class soaking wet, because chances are, everyone else is too.


9.) Skipping class is way more tempting than you thought, especially if it’s the only class you have that day.

10.) Syllabus week is NOT worth the hype.

I couldn’t find the fun in getting shoved around at every bar and waiting in line for hours just to get pre-banded.

11.)  Not that many people actually go to football games.

You’ll find most girls tailgating at Heritage Grove all day.

12.) You’ll definitely gain a little bit of weight.

I blame Gumby’s. #iykyk

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13.) Momo’s pizza actually sucks and you’ll probably wait an hour and a half to get one slice.

14.) It’s not even worth it to try to wait in the line at to Starbucks at Strozier any time before 1 p.m.

15.) Dorm life isn’t that bad, but you’ll be super excited to move off campus.

Leasing starts super early, and there’s so many options for apartments that you’ll start Pinterest-ing apartment inspo by October of freshman year. Not kidding.

16.) You’re probably going to be broke within the first 2 weeks of classes.

Ubers, cover charges, and late night pizza are to blame.


17.) There’s so much to do on campus that you’ll probably be pretty overwhelmed at first.

Go to involvement fairs and pick and choose what you want to be involved in!

18.) Fall in Florida usually equates to hurricane season.

You can probably expect to have a couple days off in the beginning of the semester when a hurricane is supposed to come towards Tallahassee. When Hurricane Irma came through Florida, we had a whole week of classes off. Most of us had mini vacations, went home, or went to hurricane parties at frat houses…because that’s just how the Noles roll.

19.) If you have a meal plan, The DEN on campus is the best thing ever when you’re broke af and hungry after a night out.

20.) Going to Florida State is something out of a movie.

The campus is beautiful, the social scene is amazing, and everyone can find a way to thrive at this diverse university!

Let us know what you think about Freshman Year at Florida State University! Drop us a line!!
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