Categories: College Life

10 Kitchen Utensils All College Students Should Make Sure They Have

Off to college for the first time? In the midst of your college shopping, don’t forget these important kitchen utensils! Here are 10 kitchen utensils that will make your college life easier.

Can Opener.

You’re definitely gonna want this if you plan on stocking up on all those canned foods. Otherwise, you’ll have to hope your roommates have a spare that you can borrow. Also, in the event of an emergency such a storm, the can opener will be an essential utensil.

Spoons, Knives, & Forks.

This one is a little more obvious, but yeah, you’re gonna need these for sure. Unless you prefer to eat with your hands for whatever reason, these are another essential utensil. When it comes to whether or not you should use plastic that’s entirely up to preference. Regardless, make sure you bring some silverware!

Pizza Cutter.

Plan to bake a ton of pizza? This is a must when dividing up the delicious slices. Otherwise, you’re gonna have to wrestle with your glorious creation and may end up with uneven slices.

Kitchen Scissors.

For obvious reasons, it’s always good to have a good pair of scissors on hand. The worst feeling in the world is needing this essential item but realizing you completely forgot to a pair. So to avoid this tragic feeling, make sure you bring a pair before moving in!


In the mood to celebrate? Did one of your friends bring a fancy bottle of wine over? While you shouldn’t necessarily need this utensil every day, it’s always good to have one around for special occasions. That is of course if you’re at a responsible age to enjoy alcoholic beverages.


If you plan on cooking your own food as opposed to ordering takeout, then this is another essential item. You’ve more than likely seen Spongebob before so I shouldn’t have to explain the functions of a spatula. Anyway, don’t forget to add this to your kitchen set before you head off to college.


Plan to bake plenty of cakes? You’re gonna wanna bring one of these for sure! Whether it’s a more traditional whisk or an electrical one, makes sure to add this important kitchen utensil to your loadout.

See Also


To ensure that you don’t haphazardly burn yourself, make sure you bring along a pair of tongs. Like many other items on this list, their function is pretty self-explanatory. Just remember to add a pair to your shopping list!


Huge fan of spaghetti? This is another essential kitchen utensil to bring along. Not only that but this kitchen utensil will come in handy when making rice as well. In order to enjoy these easy to make meals, you’re gonna wanna get yourself a colander ASAP.  Creative minds out there will also be able to use this item in a myriad of ways!

Ice Cube Tray.

On the off chance that your dorm’s fridge doesn’t feature this basic utensil, it’s always good to have your own. This may seem like a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many dorm setups don’t actually have readily available ice for their students. I found this especially true for freshman dorms that didn’t feature refrigerators in every dorm. So to make sure your drinks are cool enough, don’t forget this basic kitchen utensil!

In Conclusion…

All of these essential kitchen utensils are fairly inexpensive! You may feel as if you won’t necessarily need most of the items on the list, but trust me, there are gonna be days when some of these items will save you extraordinary amounts of time. So be prepared and remember this list when you’re doing your college shopping!

Can you add any other times to the list? Tell us below!

Featured Image Source:
Travon Wimberly

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