5 Kitchen Essentials For You College Apartment

Finally moving into your first college apartment is a huge deal! You have your own bedroom, maybe your own bathroom, but the most exciting thing that you will now have is a real kitchen. You can finally stop eating the cafeteria food that you don’t even know what goes into it. With a kitchen, there are so many possibilities! You can cook whatever you like, and you don’t have to worry about having to eat microwavable mac and cheese, you can make the real boxed thing! However, in order to cook all these magnificent meals, you are going to need some supplies! Here are 5 kitchen essentials for your college apartment!
1. A Pot
First things first, you need items to cook in! A pot is the first thing that you need. You can use a pot to make pasta, rice, or mac n’ cheese. The possibilities are endless. You do, however, need a good pot. This is a kitchen essential that it doesn’t hurt to put a little more money into rather than trying to find the cheapest one. It’s an investment, so make sure it’s something that will last you through your college career. Stainless steel is a great option, and it is a good idea to also make sure that it is nonstick. This way, you don’t have to worry about food sticking to your pan and being unable to take it off!
2. A Pan
A good pan is also important to have. You can make chicken, quesadillas, eggs, pancakes, almost anything in a pan. So without a pan, you are almost useless! Much like the pot, your pan should also be stainless steel and nonstick. This way, you can easily scrape off your eggs, and you might not even need to use oil (money saving tip). Again, this is something that I recommend you put a little more money into so that it can last you a long time and you won’t have to worry about buying another.
3. A Spatula
Now you have the pot and the pan but without kitchen tools, they are basically useless. The first of these kitchen essentials that you will need is a spatula. You can use this to make scrambled eggs or to mix in the cheese from the mac n’ cheese box. A spatula is important to have in your kitchen. When you are choosing your spatula, you are going to have many options. They come in all different colors, sizes, shapes. Some have Star Wars characters on them, while some are just plain. I recommend getting a silicone spatula, as they will be able to withstand the heat from your pot or pan better than other materials. But don’t worry, many of the silicone spatulas have beautiful colors and designs, so you can have it match your other kitchen supplies.
4. Strainer
The next of the kitchen essentials is a strainer. While you can survive without a strainer, having one will certainly make your life easier. You can easily strain your pasta out, or wash fruit without worrying about it falling down the drain. Without a strainer, you will have to carefully pour out the water from your pasta, not getting all of it, from fear of dropping out pieces of pasta, but with one, you don’t have to worry about that. You can participate in stress-free cooking!
5. Knives
The last thing that I am going to suggest is knives. You need knives to be able to cut into fruit, vegetables, almost anything that you want to cook! Without it, you will be stuck with some pretty plain and boring tasting food.