Social media is a terrific place for you to go when it comes to sharing details about events in your personal life with the public. From graduation day to a birthday shout out for a friend, an appreciation post to your significant other to a big job promotion, sharing moments that mean something to you are all great things to share with all of your friends, family and others.
While all these statuses are well worth the likes, some novel-length posts tend to be scrolled past by followers with a lack of a desire to read what you have to say. Emojis can help add some flare to your post, but the best way to catch someone’s eye as they scroll the timeline comes down to one thing; a picture.
Pictures on social media add illustration to your status and give life and action to your words. It captures the moments that mean the most to you and adds a visual to your typed out thoughts. Typing a thousand word status can take some time and thought to make perfect, but one great photo can boil down your story to a few word caption. If you need some tips on adding portraits and illustrations to your Facebook or Instagram status, here are some keys to posting the perfect pics on social media that both men and women can use!
Your goal should be to glow in your photos!
The vast majority of perfect pics on social media will have great lighting. The way your face catches off the light makes a huge difference in how your photo will turn out. Catching some of the sun’s rays is perhaps the best way to, especially during sun rises or before sunsets when there is a strong cast of gold. Using your camera flash in certain situations is another way you can lighten up your photo and give yourself a nice glow.
You can have picture perfect lighting for your pictures, but it’s the angles you take your photo at that determine how well the lighting bounces off of you.
Holding your phone or camera straight ahead of you and looking straight into the lens for a selfie is not natural, and you’ll look awkward as hell.
Holding the camera too low will of course have you looking down into the camera, where you’ll have poor lighting to work with.
Most perfect pics on social media, particularly selfies, are angled slightly above your line of vision. This allows the lighting to catch your face and give you a chance to capture your strong facial features, and picking your “good side” will further add to the attractiveness of your picture to the eyes of the viewer.
Show the world those pearly whites!
Many really nice photos on social media include an inviting smile. A smile shows your social media audience that you are in a happy mood, and that positive energy is what people are here for.
Perfect pics on social media don’t always include a nice big smile, but the ones that do may tend to receive more likes!
Posing for the camera is all about staging and capturing the perfect moment.
Posing for the camera is about creating a strong posture for your photo, or to makes less of the focus about your and more of it about something else in the photo. Maybe you’re on vacation and don’t want to take away from the breathtaking scenery, or you’re wearing a jaw dropping outfit and want social media to know about it.
Something as simple as a look off into the distance or a hand on the hip can work just fine for your portrait!
Looking your best should always be your goal when you’re trying to take a flawless photo for the gram.
A handful of perfect pics on social media include fashionable figures, and if you’re looking for some extra likes, you’re going to want to come with some drip from head to toe.
Rock some fits that jump out to your viewer. Make sure you match and coordinate what you wear. You don’t have to go all out, but be far from dressed down. Dress casual, dress clean..
Perfect pics on social media are never, ever blurry.
Perfect pics on social media are crisp. Crystal clear. Fuzz free. In order to get the clear picture, you’ll want to make sure the lens you use, whether it be a digital camera or a phone camera, is focused and ready to go. Lighting and distance from the lens can effect how clear your focus is, so make sure everything is in order before you begin taking photos.
If your photo does happen to come out not as clear as you were hoping, there are tools you can use on your phone or while posting to Instagram that allow you to edit the sharpness your image for a clearer look.
No, they don’t have to be a professional.
It can be one of your friends. It can be one of your parents. It can be a random stranger walking by. “Hey, can you take this picture for me real quick?” If you’re really looking to catch your full self to show off your outfit or your surroundings, somebody else is going to have to click the camera for you
Filters are a cool way to add some different effects that can bring new life to your photo.
Filters can help eliminate glare, enhance your colors, and actually improve the lighting of your picture in some cases.
I wouldn’t recommend using a filter on every single pic you take, but try it out on a few. You might really like how it turns out.
Posting the perfect pics to social media is all about following these keys to successful photo taking. Not every picture may turn out perfect, which brings in the importance of knowing how to edit your photo by making it clearer or adding filters.
No, I’m not a professional photographer, or Instagram famous, or even an avid selfie taker, but I do know that taking the perfect picture doesn’t simply happen with the flick of a camera.
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