Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands: The Ultimate Guide To Stay Sane When Everybody Is Freaking Out

I don’t understand why people are freaking out about the Coronavirus. Like many viruses and diseases that the world has endured, I’m sure this too will pass. To help yourself from freaking out like the rest of the world here are some things that I do and trust me I am far from the “freaking out” stage, unlike many others.
One thing I do to stay sane is that I watch the news in moderation. No, I don’t watch it every day, nor do I follow it on my social media accounts. I understand that the news gives us important information but after watching it I feel that they deliver the bad things that are going on in the world and the weather. The Coronavirus won’t change daily and at this point, I think we all understand how to stay safe. I refuse to let the Coronavirus disease be part of my everyday living. I also don’t bring it up in casual conversation. I watch and read enough to know what’s going on.
Can’t Avoid It
There is no escaping “the talk” everyone is talking about the Coronavirus, from the media, family and friends, to random strangers you might bump in to. Well, not literally bump into because that would cause a major freak out that you may get the virus, even though it is airborne. Educate yourself, but I’ll get to that part later. Anyways, there’s so much talk about the Coronavirus disease that many people are getting the facts confused with rumors. I believe that is where a major part of this epidemic is coming from.
I believe that pretty much that the Coronavirus disease comes from a lack of being sanitary. The term “wash your hands,” has been said more this month than I ever heard in my life. For some, they are acting as if this is something new. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands before and after touching your face. Wash your hands if you come in contact with someone who is not well. Washing your hands properly includes, washing your hands for at least 30 seconds with soap and clean water. For those where this information is new, I worry for.
This Coronavirus is super annoying. I can’t go to the gym, work, or even the grocery store. Well, I can go to the grocery store but there’s nothing on the shelves so what’s the point. I am happy that everyone is now being clean and sanitizing but for those of us who’s been doing this since day one is a major drag. I am not a rule-breaker, so I am staying quarantined in my home. Seeing how nothing but the grocery store and gas station is open, this also helps me stay in.
Stop Overhyping
Another way to stay sane during this Coronavirus disease stage is to stop overhyping up the Coronavirus. Yes, it’s something that we all should be aware of, but staying clean shouldn’t be anything new. People and businesses are talking about how they are cleaning more often, sadly this is something that should have been done before the Coronavirus came. For those that have gone to the grocery stores bought all the food, cleaning supplies, and toilet tissue this guide is too late for you. I feel that these are the same people that contributed to the gas shortage last year. When you panic you do things that are not the smartest. Just chill. When you think about it do you need 30 rolls of toilet tissue? If so, there may be an article to help you.
Social Distancing
If you have heard the Public Health official they have suggested that we all start social distancing. If you haven’t then you may want to start. Social distancing is staying away from others by staying in your home, staying away from large gatherings, and staying away from those that are ill. Three feet is the minimum requested distance to place between each other.
Just because the Public Health officials have suggested staying home doesn’t mean that you cant order your food to be delivered. There hasn’t been any new evidence stating that the Coronavirus disease can live on food. You can still get your food delivered. I love Uber Eats and I just ask the driver to leave my meal on my doorstep so that I don’t have to have any contact with them. And then I just disinfect the containers before eating. See, simple. No need to freak out.
Another way to avoid freaking out is to educate yourself. Know what the Coronavirus disease is, know how to avoid getting it, and know what the Public Health officials want you to do. Coronavirus disease is a very contagious disease that spreads through the air that causes respiratory illness. Since the Coronavirus disease is airborne and unable to be seen by the naked eye it makes it hard to know where it is, so it’s best to stay on your toes at all times. Unfortunately, this is not a cure for the Coronavirus disease, yet.
Another guide to staying calm is to be more positive. While being quarantined in my home I refuse to let this be a negative thing. I have taken this time to clean and finish projects I said I complete one day. I have more time to cook meals and even create recipes. The extra time is great. Staying busy helps keep my mind on other things than the Coronavirus disease as well as being productive.
Stay Away
Another guide to sanity, as well as a little bit of common sense, if you or someone you know is sick stay away. This shouldn’t be anything new. This is to reduce the number of people that can become sick. Coronavirus disease is a reminder to all to take precautions and protect their selves and others. Yes, this is a big deal, but nothing new to freak out over.
Last but Not Least
Coronavirus disease is very important but please don’t freak out about it. Stay clean and stay safe. I hope this guide has helped you. And for the last time, wash your hands.