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Job Interview Skills To Land the Job

Job Interview Skills To Land the Job

In order for you to land the job, you need to have some interview skills to show that you are the right candidate for the position. The tips below will help you land that dream job with the interview skills done in preparation, during, and after the interview. 

Research And Know The Background Of The Company

The worst thing you can do is show up at an interview and know nothing about the company you’re interviewing with. It is a waste of time to have to explain everything about the company and can show your lack of interest or commitment to the position. It is because instead of the interviewer being able to talk to you about your experience, they have to use your time explaining the company. It is important to have an idea of what the company does before the interview. It can also be beneficial to research the company before you apply to the job. It will make this process easier.


How To Answer The Question Tell Me About Yourself?

So with this question, you get to sell yourself for the position. The question is not talking about all the experiences that you have. The interviewer is most likely looking at or reviewed your resume. There’s no need to reiterate everything that you’ve done in your past experiences. Unless you have something on your resume that you would like to go more in detail about. It should only be done if it reflects on your ability to do the job that you’re interviewing for. If that is the case, by all means, go for it. The main thing that you need to talk about when answering this question is to sell yourself as the perfect candidate for the job.


One of the most challenging things you can do is try to have an intense conversation with a stranger. Even when it comes to applying for a job, it can sometimes be challenging to try and find common ground. Often times, talking to an interviewer can make the interviewee nervous throughout the interview process. The best way to prepare for this is to practice. You could practice by yourself in figuring out the best way to answer the questions, practice going over the questions with a friend, or attending a mock interview session. Choosing to practice will help you relax and communicate your strengths towards the position you’re applying for. Remember, many people actually get nervous when it comes to interviewing for a job, so practicing will help with the fear that you may face. Interview skills are only as good as the person willing to use them. 


Get ready for the interview

Often times you can become late to an appointment because you’re trying to get prepared. Usually, you’re rushing, and there are so many different things we’re trying to remember to do and not to forgetting something. So when it comes to your interview, you do not want to be stressing over your outfit. One thing you can do is to have your outfit prepared before the interview. This can be done either the night before or a couple days before. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to get ready for the interview. You might find out the shirt doesn’t fit anymore, the shirt you were going to wear is not clean, or a pair of pants you thought was really nice to wear actually has a hole in them. It’s important to look at all these different things before the interview, so you are prepared and ready to go when it’s time to leave for the interview.

Be Early

When you are going to an interview, you do not want to show up a few minutes before the actual interview. You should plan beforehand and know how long it’s gonna take you to get to the interview, and if there are anticipated traffic delays. Also, you never know what they want you to do when you get to the office. They may have papers for you to fill out. You may want to be on time if you would like to use the restroom before the actual interview. Often times, when you feel rushed, the only thing you can think about is everything that went wrong right before you got there. The best way to combat this is to arrive early. The best rule of thumb is to try and arrive 15 minutes before your interview unless otherwise stated by the interviewer.

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Have Questions For The Interviewer

An interview is not just about the firm but about you as well. That is why it is important to have questions for the interviewer as well. It will help to make sure the job is a good fit for you. We all have goals to where we want to be in our career, and we are the only people that know it. You need to make decisions based on the end goal. The worst thing you can do is to accept the job and find out later that it doesn’t meet your expectations. So even though the interviewer is asking you to answer questions about you, make sure you prepare questions to ask them. Some example questions are: what is the culture of the workplace, what does a typical day looks like, what does the interviewer likes about the company, is there a dress requirement, and if there is traveling for the position. These are just a few questions if you could ask.

Bring A Copy Of Your Resume

Even though employers or interviewers have seen your resume, sometimes they miss place it right before the interview. One way to save time is to bring a copy of your resume to the interview. If something does happen where the interviewer can’t find it, you have a copy of it right there to give them. Also, this helps with if something has changed since the time that you’ve applied to the position. It’s important to show your strength within an interview and by providing them with most updated information. Having your resume can help you in the interview as well. It can be used as a reference to help answer the interviewers questions. Sometimes it could have been a while since the last time you saw your resume or you might be nervous and forgotten some of your experience. By having a resume right there in front of you, it will help you be able to answer the questions in-depth.

Thank You Note

At the end of an interview, you want to be able to appreciate your interviewer for their time. To have an interview takes a lot of time to find the right candidate. One way to show your appreciation for their time is to write a thank-you note. It actually makes you stand out from the other candidates for the position.  There are two ways that you can do this. As time changes it is now acceptable to send a quick email right after, or you could send a handwritten thank you note and send it through the mail. Either option shows that you are interested in the job and you are thankful for the time that the interviewer spent with you. 


Interview skills can help you land the job. If you choose to use the tips above, you will be more than ready to take on any interview. 

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