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20 Items You Need To Have In Your Dorm Room This Year

20 Items You Need To Have In Your Dorm Room This Year

It’s that time of year again, the end of summer and the start of the new school year! Here are 20 items for those of you heading back to that dorm room life. 

1. Mini Fridge

Make sure you get a mini-fridge to keep all of your drinks nice and cool! Nothing is worse than having to take a drink of something luke-warm when you’re thirsty. 


2. Laundry Hamper

Chances are that you’re not going to have a washer and dryer in your dorm room. So make sure you get a laundry hamper that is nice and sturdy to last you all year and multiple trips to the laundry room. You don’t want to get something that’ll break and spill your nice, clean clothes on the ground!

3. Shower Caddy

Likewise you’ll probably be having to share a bathroom with the people on your floor. Get a shower caddy to store all of your bathroom essentials in one easy place that you can move quickly and easily. No juggling needed. 


4. Weighted Blanket 

Listen, school is stressful. There’s going to come a time, most likely during exams, where you might start to find it hard to sleep because of how much is going on. Get yourself a weighted blanket! The added weight will help reduce anxiety and help your body slow done enough to get a good night’s rest. 


5.  Extra Pillows 

One pillow just isn’t going to cut it. You need at least two or three that you can use to help support your back for those nights when you’re up late finishing that paper for your English class. Plus if you get some cute pillowcases then they will add a bit of flair to your dorm room! 

6. Bed Set

This is a given, you don’t want to be sleeping on an uncovered mattress, it just isn’t comfortable at all. Get a cute bed set that will show anyone who walks in what a great person lives there! 


7. French Press 

Coffee is the constant companion of the college student, but it can get pricey to buy coffee everyday. Instead invest in a good french press that you can make your own coffee in. Plus if you got that mini-fridge you can make extra coffee to refrigerate for iced coffee later! 


8. Shoe Rack 

Keep your shoes organized with a shoe rack! This way you aren’t tripping over them as you run in and out of your dorm room between classes, and they don’t get lost in the dark corners of your closet floor. Plus if you don’t have enough shoes to fill it, that’s extra space for you to store something else. We love storage space. 

9. Clothes Hangers 

Every once in a while you come across a dorm room that only has a hanging closet. So make sure that you have plenty of clothes hangers to store everything! 



This one is just for fun, it adds a little more personality to your dorm room. Plus if it’s cold out having a rug on top of your cold floor will protect your feet from the chill. 


11. Desk Lamp 

You have to have a desk lamp! How else are you going to crouch over your desk in the night as you frantically try to finish your homework before dawn?! 

12. Book Light 

This one is nice because it’s small and won’t take up too much of your already limited space. Book lights are good for when you need to catch up on your class readings but your roommate wants to sleep and your desk light is too bright. You’ll be able to illuminate your book without angering your roommate, a win for all! 


13. Pencil Holders 

You’re never going to have enough pencils and pens because somehow, someway, they will all get lost. It’s just a fact. So keep a pencil holder on your desk filled with back ups for when the ineviatble need arises. 


14.  Wall Mirror 

You always want to look your best! Or at least not like you can’t remember what sleep is, so make sure to bring a long a wall mirror that you can throw a glance at before you dash off to your first class that you are definitely not late for. 

See Also
Are you looking for ways to customize your dorm room? Check out these college dorm room essentials for guys, to make a quick fix!


15. Succulents 

Plants are supposed to help cheer you up, but no one has time or space to take care of a flower garden in their dorm room. Luckily succulents are really small and don’t require too much care so they are the perfect plant pet for the on-the-go college student. And let’s face it, they really do brighten up the room. 

16. Photo album 

You’re going to feel homesick from time to time, so bring along a photo album of your friends and family from back home to look at. You can keep it tucked away when you don’t need it, or you can pull the pictures out and make a wall collage with them! 


17. Fairy Lights

If book lights aren’t your jam , fairy lights are a good alternative! They provide a softer glow than a desk lamp, and they’ll give your room a real Secret Garden vibe too if you dress them up with some fake ivy. 


18. Plush 

You’re never too old for some plush friends! They’ll add a little more decor to the room and you can even use them like an extra pillow if you need to! 

19. Polaroid Camera 

Yes you’ll miss your friends and family back home, but that shouldn’t stop you from making new memories! College isn’t just about the schooling, it’s also about meeting new people and having new experiences! Capture some of these new memories with a Polaroid camera so that you can put them up instantly. 


20. Small Bookshelf 

If your dorm room doesn’t have one and you have the space, then I definitely recommend getting a small bookshelf of some kind. You don’t want to keep your expensive textbooks on the floor! 


What will you be getting for your dorm room? Let me know in the comments below!

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