5 Instagrammers That Will Get You Out Of Bed In The Morning

Social media has the potential to be extremely useful, with the opportunity to raise awareness of a multitude of issues, to inspire and spread positivity and to motivate people and increase productivity. However, the reality is often the exact opposite. With celebs and influencers on Instagram consistently setting unattainable standards with filtered and edited pictures that depict a perfect life, it can often make us feel inadequate and affect our self-confidence and productivity.
That being said, there are some Instagrammers out there that are currently rocking the boat with their realism and authenticity. So who are they? Here are 5 Instagrammers that you should follow to make you more confident, content and motivated – ultimately, 5 Instagrammers to get you out of bed in the morning and ready for a great day.
1. Jameela Jamil (@jameelajamilofficial)
Jameela seems to be popping up all over the place at the moment, and that’s because she never stops campaigning for the many great things she believes in. She mainly posts on Instagram about rights for women, POC, the LGTBQ+ community, as well as consistently fighting for better transparency online. You might’ve seen her call out celebs in the past for promoting particular weight loss products and for photoshopping pictures – Jameela is all about keeping things real and preventing more people from feeling like they have to fit this ridiculous and unattainable image. So if you’re tired of seeing the same kinds of women posting pictures of their perfect figures and wonderful lives and sick of comparing yourself and feeling down about it, why not check out Jameela’s profile for a blast of reality?
2. Chessie King (@chessiekingg)
Chessie is one of the most genuine women you will likely come across on Instagram. Her main mission is to show the world that most of what you see on Instagram is not real – not even those who post the pictures actually look like the pictures you see on Instagram. Through very real Instagram stories, posts and fist-pumping captions, she is constantly demonstrating that it is 100% acceptable to have spots, to sweat, to be bloated, to have cellulite, to have stretch marks, etc. Chessie is extremely down to earth, wildly energetic, and has a wonderful sense of humour – she’s the kind of person that when watching or listening to, you just can’t help but feel just as happy and confident as she is! So, if you’re looking for someone that is going to make you feel completely comfortable in your own unique and wonderful skin and really get you feeling happy and motivated, then she is one to follow!
3. Hattie Amelia (@hattiee_amelia)
For as long as I’ve been following Hattie – and it’s been a while – she has always been a big advocate of body positivity, teaching her followers that stretch marks, scars and anything else that could possibly be considered a ‘flaw’ is just what makes us each our own unique kind of perfect. Recently Hattie has been very real online about needing a kidney transplant and having to have dialysis. Not only is her honesty about her health so inspiring, but her positivity about having a dialysis line fitted has been truly admirable. In a caption on a recent post, Hattie said ‘scars and ‘imperfections’ are part of your journey and make you who you are, so don’t spend a lifetime trying to hide them’. Ultimately, Hattie’s positive posts and stories will make you feel like you can take over the world, so if you’re looking for that, go give her a follow!
4. Fearne Cotton (@fearnecotton)
Fearne is an absolute ray of sunshine. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to one of Fearne’s ‘Happy Place’ podcasts, you’ll know just how positive and full of joy she is. She often speaks openly and honestly about struggles that she has faced throughout her life and the ways in which she dealt with them, and she is all about helping people to be happier and more content with themselves and their lives. If it’s a real force of positive energy that you’re looking for, Fearne is definitely your woman! (Also be sure to go check out her podcasts too!)
5. Zanna Vandijk (@zannavandijk)
If you’ve been following Zanna for a while, you might be aware that she underwent serious surgery back in January for a twisted bowel. Anything bowel-related is usually rather taboo, but Zanna was 100% open, honest and real about the entire experience. Since then, she’s spoken out about dealing with the scars left behind by the surgery, both physically and mentally, and her outlook on the whole ordeal has been extremely positive. Zanna has always been very real about body image, being a fellow super tall girl at 6 foot 2, she has always been about showing the world that all body shapes and sizes are cool. She’s also extremely motivating when it comes to fitness, as a dedicated gym girl, she’s sure to get you up, out and to the gym with her Instagram stories. So give Zanna a follow for some real talk, some major body positivity and some gym motivation.