5 Instagram Poets That Will Give You Major Inspiration

Poetry has become an immensely popular form of art again, especially on Instagram. Instagram has become the premier platform where established and aspiring poets, can share their works and receive feedback and love from people all over the world. If you’re an aspiring poet and need some creative inspiration, you will find endless amounts of it on IG from various different poets. There are 5 Instagram poets in particular, that I feel will definitely help jump-start your creativity and that you should most certainly follow ….
R.M. Drake
R.M. Drake is one of, if not, the most popular poet and creative writer on IG. Celebrities such as Khloe Kardashian and Shay Mitchell, have all reposted a few of R.M.’s works. He has a way of writing riveting pieces that have such imagery and possess such a magnetic poetic flow. He tells great stories about what it feels like to be in love!
R.H. Sin
R.H. Sin is another popular poet on IG. His works are notoriously known for encouraging women to not settle in relationships and to live their best lives! I myself have felt very empowered from a few of his pieces. He writes most of his works in the form of a quote, so they are short, simple and straight to the point!
Samantha King-Holmes
Samantha King-Holmes is a great poet. Her poetry speaks to all women and she writes her works in various different tones of voice that accurately expresses what we women feel and deal with! I personally have reposted a few of her pieces because they have touched on topics that I have either dealt with or express an intense emotion that I was currently feeling.
Poetic Style
Poetic Style is probably the rawest and definitely the most vulgar of all the poets I mention. He posts his poetry in video form, where he is reciting his works from the perspective and emotion of a woman. I love his poetry videos because they are always so brutally honest and intense in saying exactly what we women go through when dealing with a trifling ass man and how much they hurt us.
Her Insatiable Mind
Her Insatiable Mind is a new poet I discovered who seems to just have started her page of poetry. What is different and unique about her pieces, is that she posts her full poems in various different colors and she also posts art of black women with a short poem attached as the caption. Her poetry touches on a variety of topics such as rape, depression, societal injustices and of course love.
I highly recommend checking out all these Instagram poets and giving them a follow; you will definitely not regret it!
What do you think of these Instagram poets? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".