Identifying fitness goals is one accomplishment, but staying motivated to those fitness goals is a whole other conundrum. Whether it is school, work or family commitments, we always find a way to ignore our promise to workout and stay fit. However, I have come up with a few inspirational tips that might help you fight this challenge!
Everyone has that one celebrity who basically looks like your fitness goals. An easy way to help you with your challenge is to follow them on social media. Nowadays, celebrities love to post Instagram stories or posts about how they work out on a daily basis. If they don’t a lot of fitness Youtubers and celebrity personal trainers post youtube videos on celebrity workouts. For example, if you type in “Brie Larson Workout Routine” into Google or Youtube, you will come across a hundred videos of people who have researched her routine and copied it for viewers. The same will work for almost every celebrity.
Some people find it helpful to maintain their fitness goals by taking a “before” picture of their body to keep on their phones. By doing so, they can look at the picture whenever they feel hungry, to motivate them to choose a healthier food option or drink more water. However, some people are more hesitant about this tip because of the ability of people to hack phones and gain data. If you are skeptical about this option but might want to try it, you can always wear shorts and a muscle tee, rather than underwear and a bra. This way the pictures don’t look too bad if someone gets a hold of your phone or a friend is flipping through your images.
This fitness goal inspirational tip can be a good one or bad one depending on your mindset. But, I find it helpful to scroll through Pinterest after searching “workout motivation”. Seeing so many before and after pictures, or even watching tutorial videos is a motivation. Some people might get depressed by seeing these pictures, and if you are one of them, please disregard this tip. However, if this tip is a good inspiration for you, then I would also recommend watching tutorial videos on youtube as well.
An easy and less depressing tip to achieve your fitness goal is to grab a friend who loves to workout or one who has the same fitness goal as you. When you are working out with someone else you can rely on each other to motivate you to keep going. This can be by pushing you to your limit or promising to pay for a post-workout treat (or vice versa). Also, finding a friend to workout with you can be helpful in time management, as you can always meet up before or after school. By doing this, you won’t have to worry about scheduling time away from your work, as you can easily add it to your school schedule.
If you have spare time, a good fitness goal tip is to use your dog for inspiration. Rather than letting them out in your backyard, or letting another family member take them out, set aside a good hour or 30 mins to go for a run with your dog. Dog’s love to run, so they are a good friend to run with if you can’t find a school/work friend to accompany you. By using your dog as inspiration, your not only accomplishing your fitness goal, but you are also giving your dog some much-needed love.
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