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8 Influencers That Will Help You Live Your Best Life

8 Influencers That Will Help You Live Your Best Life

8 Influencers That Will Help You Live Your Best Life

A good procrastination session probably consists of perusing Youtube and Instagram for the latest trends, or just to unwind. There are some great influencers out there who will help with your boredom, your creative energy, and give you a self-esteem boost. Here are 8 influencers that will help you live your best life.

1. Enjajaja (Enya Umanzor)

Enya is your favorite Gen-Z girl-next-door turned abrasive TMI fave. She’ll tell you everything you didn’t want to know about her life, and give you some stellar make-up tips in the process. Enya is guaranteed to help you live your best cute, chill, and hilarious life. Plus, she always has the sweetest outfits and greatest Spotify playlists. She also makes Youtube videos of her fave songs and dances to them in her bedroom like no one else can! I really just want to be best friends with her!

2. Liza Koshy

You might have heard of Liza Koshy through her ex-boyfriend vlogger David Dobrik, but she’s a great YouTuber, TV host and a quirky social media influencer all on her own. Liza does it all but manages to stay down to earth for her fans. Liza is relatable and doesn’t try too hard at being prim or proper. She lives her own best life, and her carefree and honest attitude will help you make the choices that make you the happiest. Look to Liza for inspiration on confidence and being your authentic self without fear. Go get ’em!!!


3. Riya Hamid

If you’re a more down-to-earth kind of person, Riya Hamid is an elegant and inspiring social media influencer, model, and visual artist. She writes, paints, draws and has the best eye for aesthetics you could possibly find. Her eye for Bangladeshi culture gives her work the feeling of coming home.  Her normalization of women’s sexuality and issues of mental illness have made her an inspiration for me and for women everywhere. She has modeled for H&M and always has an eye for best clean-cut fashion. Not only is she beautiful and intelligent, but her Instagram is also a great source for developing your taste in independent film.

4. Conan Gray

Conan Gray is the suburban-raised boy-next-door of our dreams! He’s sweet, funny, and has a great taste in music. Did I mention he’s also a great musician? Conan inspires me because he’s had a hard life, dealt with a lot of personal, but still triumphs as an honest and socially conscious youtube sweetheart. His vids are based on art, music, thrift hauls, and just anything else he feel’s like talking about. His personality will make you turn to his videos when you’re having a bad day, just to have someone like Conan chill with you.


5. Orion Carloto

Another gorgeous lady with an eye for aesthetics! Orion Carloto is more than most average influencers. She’s a poet and self-proclaimed admirer of art. A great source for make-up inspiration, jewelry trends, and fashion, Orion is down to earth and classy at the same time. She is also friends with the aforementioned Enya, so you can often find them together on Instagram and Youtube!

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6. Laiqa Mariam

Laiqa Mariam is a photographer, fashion marketer, and the founder of an upcoming intersectional platform for female, non-binary and Gender Non-Conforming folks. She is based in the chic cities of London and Paris and combines classic fashion with old-world flare. She is a powerful advocate for the representation of desi women and girls in the media, and passionate curator of engaging content. She has yet to gain a huge following, but it’s clear this influencer is going places.

7. Taylor Rowland

Taylor Rowland is the curator of Art Hoe Collective, a safe-space founded by queer people of color to provide for creatives of color to showcase and their work. She often collabs with Urban Outfitters to create streetwear fashion looks your eyes will love. She’s a chill icon, humble but also outspoken for what she believes in and usually open about her personal life.


8. Rowan Blanchard

Rowan Blanchard is the former Disney actress turned feminist icon. Her sense of aesthetic ranges from things like literature, fashion, poetry, film, makeup, and more. Despite her diverse areas of interest and expertise, all of her work involves empowering women and people of color to live their best lives. She is an advocate for intersectional feminism and has her feet wet in so many different industries. Talk about an inspiration!

Which of these influencers do you love? Any more suggestions? Comment below and share this post with your friends!

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