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10 Incredibly Easy Dorm DIY Ideas To Brighten Up Your Room

10 Incredibly Easy Dorm DIY Ideas To Brighten Up Your Room

These are easy dorm DIY ideas that will instantly transform and brighten up your dorm room at college, and they are so easy to do!

It’s hard staring at the same, bland walls for 9 months of the year. But, making the best of your space can improve your mood and ultimately make your room livable. Now that spring has finally arrived, what better time to add a little color to that tiny square you call a bedroom? Here are 10 incredibly easy dorm DIY ideas to instantly brighten up your room…and hopefully add a little pep in your step!

1. Give your door a makeover.

Use Washi tape to create bold patterns that will make anyone smile when they walk through your door. If you’re not the artsy type (and creating a design sounds a little too intimidating), just use different colored Washi tape in stripes or zigzags!  I guarantee this will grant you a few more visitors coming through your doorway.

2. Add secret pops of color!

Because you’re likely to be the only one who notices these details, this is one of those dorm DIY ideas that probably only you will appreciate; but that doesn’t make it any less worthy! Using scrapbook paper to line the insides of your desk drawers and organizers. Every time you open a drawer it’s like a burst of cheer! Plus, if your organizers are clear – the paper will show through and offer an extra dose of brightness.

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3. Recycle!

Any dorm DIY ideas that involve recycling are okay in my book! Use soda pop tabs on the neck of clothes hangers to hang multiple items of clothing from just one hook. This will save you tons of space – and what does extra space give you? A much lighter and brighter feel to the room!

4. Get creative with paint swatches.

Don’t spend $15 for a boring wall calendar – make your own that doubles as an organizer for important papers AND a vibrant decoration. With a simple cork board, a variety of paint swatches (in the colors of your choice) and a bunch of push pins – you can create a colorful DIY calendar that can be altered every month.

5. Ping pong balls aren’t just for beer pong anymore!

Using multicolored LED lights and ping pong balls to create a string of happiness to hang around your dorm room. NOTE: The lights have to be LED so they do not get hot and melt the ping pong balls!!!


6. A little paint can do wonders.

Find an old frame at a thrift store (or maybe you have one lying around at home) and repaint it in a cheery, bright color. Remove the glass and attach wire between each side. Then, with clothespins, attach your favorite pictures. If you choose a loud color it will instantly brighten up the room, and the pictures will be a constant reminder of your favorite memories!

7. Put your makeup on display.

Maybe the “most difficult” project on this dorm DIY ideas list, the little extra effort to create this makeup display is definitely worth it! Again, find an old frame and paint it any color you’d like. Cut a piece of metal (make sure it’s magnetic) to fit in the center of the frame, and then cover with fabric. Now just attach magnetic strips to the back of your makeup products with hot glue and BAM, a beautiful DIY makeup display!

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8. Upgrade your mirror.

Wall mirrors are ugly, plain and simple. BUT, you can give them a nice little touch of detail and use that same Washi tape you used on your door to line the frame (or create your own frame if there isn’t one) of the mirror. Just like that, you’ve taken your mirror from mehhh to ah-mayyyy-zing.

9. Turn your daily planner into wall art.

Another quick and easy way to add some brightness to your room – create a DIY daily planner from colorful paper and a multi-picture frame. Instead of filling the frame with pictures, pop in different colored blocks of paper, and label each section a different day of the week. Use dry erase board marker to write on the glass – don’t worry, it rubs off!

10. Make your very own doodle table.

Create your own chalkboard table by using a cheap secondhand store table (not the one provided by your school!) and paint the top with chalkboard paint. Perfect for doodles, phone numbers, to do lists, or even your homework!

These are 10 incredibly easy dorm DIY ideas to brighten up your room! Do you have any other easy dorm DIY ideas that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!
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