Impress Your Crush With These Unique First Date Ideas

It’s a regular Saturday and you’re out at the mall. After a few moments of contemplation, you finally muster up enough courage to walk up to the attractive woman you’ve been eyeing for a little while now. You successfully introduce yourself, make them laugh a little with the corny jokes you’ve held in the stash for this exact moment, and finally, you ask them for a chance to take them out for a first date later that night.
Here’s where the issue arises.
You offer a night out at the movies, but she already has movie night plans for tonight. So instead, you ask to take her out to eat the following day, but she has a birthday dinner to attend that day as well. Finally, you then offer her a simple night out getting ice cream… but she’s lactose-intolerant.
Her conveniently having other plans already set for every idea you have might already be a problem within itself, but just in case she’s truly being genuine, you want to offer some unique first date ideas, rather than something or somewhere she’s used to going. Check out these potential spots!
A Museum
Although this first date idea is becoming a bit more common, it’s definitely still worth the mention. This is your chance to show her your intellectual side. To put her up on game.
Find out what types of things she’s into, whether it be science-fiction, art, etc., and find a local museum that specializes in that general area of focus. There are plenty of museums around now that are completely free, so with just a little research, you can successfully impress your crush on your first date and save a little bit of money at the same time.
Sip & Paint
Another first date idea that’ll definitely get you some points without totally breaking the bank. This provides you with the perfect opportunity to socialize, enjoy a few glasses of wine, and get to know each other while trying to create a canvas masterpiece. You don’t have to be super artsy or anything, either. You can expect to have a guide or teacher that’ll basically hold your hand throughout the entire process of your painting. It’ll be interesting to see who has the better painting when it’s all said and done!
If you haven’t noticed by now, a lot of these first date ideas involve activities that you probably aren’t good at. That’s the point though! That’s what makes it interesting. Interactive activities like mini golfing provide you the chance to open up and show your goofy side, most likely resulting in you comfortably being yourself around your date. After all, that’s the main goal of this entire thing. You want to show them the real you!
Theme Park
I mean, who doesn’t like theme parks? Going to a theme park is a bit of a pricier option, but it guarantees you an entire day of entertainment. Roller-coasters, water rides, carvinal-themed games, funnel cake, etc. The whole nine. People normally don’t just wake up and decide to go to a theme park, so you can bet your bottom dollar that if you decide to use this option for your first date, it’ll be an experience that won’t soon be forgotten.
With those four easy and widely-accessible options, you now have 4x the chance of getting a second date and keeping your foot in the door. You may have just met your future wife. You could be looking back 30 years down the line, thinking about how you got the idea from a Society19 article. You never know!