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13 Pictures That Make You Wish You Were Starting MSU Tomorrow

13 Pictures That Make You Wish You Were Starting MSU Tomorrow

Starting MSU seems like an eternity away! Here are a few photos that will make you wish you were starting at MSU tomorrow!
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The countdown has started; only three weeks ’til we get to start our new adventure at MSU. I’m sure you’ve been dreaming about the upcoming year all summer. Social media has a way of making the heart grow fonder…as in fonder for college and all that comes with it. Here are 15 pictures that will make you wish you were starting school at Michigan State University tomorrow!

1. Tailgating Season

With just three shorts weeks until football season, nothing makes you want school more than thinking about tailgating all day with your roomies.



2. Jersey Parties

The jersey theme works for any season at all times of the year. The theme will NEVER get old and you’ll always love pretending you’re D-1 bound.

3. Trips to Michigan State Dairy Store

Or 30!? Truth is this place is addicting and one trip won’t be enough.


4. Living with Best Friends

Getting to have a sleepover every night with your best friends? Count me in.


5. Bonding with Sorority Sisters

Going to college can be scary but joining a sorority can be a good way to make friends!


6. Showing Off Tailgate Outfits

Life may not be perfect but your outfit sure is.



7. Experiencing The Izzone

College basketball is fun and all but nothing compares to the experience you’ll get in The Izzone. Getting tickets takes major dedication though so you may have to be willing to camp outside of the Breslin Center.

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8. Getting to see Spartan Stadium.

Nothing better than cheering on Sparty at a football game!


9. Seeing the first snow of the year.

Being born and raised in Michigan snow isn’t a new thing to me. However something about being at school with snow sounds appealing. The campus is always breath taking but snow seems to add something special to the air.

10. Halloween at MSU

No other words are needed for this one. 

11. Showing School Spirit

Everyone needs a picture in front of the Michigan State sign or Sparty. You just can’t be considered a real student without one of these.


Go Green! Go White!

Can you think of any other pics that make you want to start MSU tomorrow!? Comment below!
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